Thursday, August 21, 2008

ruby meets her bruhder...

We were supposed to sign the papers and be able to take Asher home with us today... but there was a minor setback. Due to our birth mom's rigorous delivery, her doctor decided to keep her in the hospital an extra day. She requested that the baby stay with her until she be discharged. We were totally fine with that, as we have been telling her all along to take as much time as she needs. This whole experience has given me cause to reflect back to the long, black night in which I held my little Isaac's cold, lifeless body. I recall, as if it were yesterday, dreading the moment that I would have to finally let go. I remember how kind the nurses were as they told us we could take as much time as we needed. I probably took more time than they were expecting, but I'm so glad that I wasn't required to hand him over to the undertaker until I was emotionally ready to do so. I knew that I couldn't hold him forever, but it was comforting to know that no one was rushing me into anything. I think that whole experience makes me a little more empathetic towards our birth mom and what she is momentarily going through. In many ways it must feel to her like I'm the undertaker coming to take her baby away. I hope that today she was able to feel like she was given the time that she needed. She was so sweet to invite us to come back to the hospital and visit for a while. We took Ruby so that she could finally meet her baby brother, as we've been talking him up for months. She was in complete awe with his every feature.

I got the biggest rush as I held both my children in my lap, and watched as my daughter studied my son's face, and then his hands, on down to his tiny little feet (which in reality are huge!).

I know that Ruby will be such a wonderful big sister. We have been doing our best to prepare her for the changes that will be taking place, and I have a feeling she will do just fine. I'm excited for what the future holds. I'm excited for the events and changes that will be happening over the next few days and weeks. But most of all, I'm just excited for tomorrow to finally be able to take our beautiful, perfect, and long awaited, baby boy...home.

This last one was too sweet to not post. I thought it was so touching to watch John with his little son.


  1. So fun to see more pictures! I'm telling ya, watching that little sibling relationship develop is so dang fun! (Except when the experiments with just how much the bouncy chair bounces brother start). Having two is just amazing. It's somehow completing in a way, even though I know we want more kids. I think knowing my children have at least one sibling to go through life with adds to that sense of completion. I can't wait to see how your little guy grows, he's so cute!

  2. He is such a big boy!!! I am excited for you guys to be able to take him home. What an amazing experience this must be for you. i am glad ruby finally got to meet her brother they are both so beautiful.

  3. Ruby is going to be a great big sis. Thanks for sharing more pics.

  4. Oh, thank you so much for sharing these pictures. What a good looking family. :) I just want to wrap all of you in a great big bear hug. That picture of Ruby cradling Asher's face, and then seeing John with his new son... Thank you for letting us be "witness" to this beautiful miracle of life and love. From the moment you told us that you were having a boy, I just knew that wasn't a coincidence. I knew it was a way for Isaac to let you know he's watching out for you, and that he misses you and loves you. (I hope that wasn't inappropriate to say.) I know that all of this was/is part of the plan, and that Asher was meant to be yours. However children come, they are a blessing. And I know all four of you will continually bless each other's lives - forever. I can't wait to see more pictures of the kiddies!

  5. I loved the pictures. He is so, so beautiful! What a big boy too! I can't believe he is here. Ruby will be a great older sister. We also can't wait for you guys to be able to take him home! We love you guys and are continually praying for you and Lindsay.

  6. Oh I'm loving the pictures!! What an adorbale boy he is!!

  7. He is so gorgeous!! What a beautiful family you guys are!! It has been so fun to read your journey of knowing to adopt, to finding your son, and now seeing all of you together brings a huge smile to my face.

  8. ok, so while I was "blogging" I had my ipod on a play list with hip hop stuff and other upbeat songs on while I was cleaning but I had one slow and very touching song on the play list. That ONE slow and touching song JUST HAPPENED to come on while I was reading YOUR post and I think I just went through almost an entire box of tissues. Wow, what an AMAZING experience this has been for you and your fam. Ruby is ADORABLE in those pics by the way. You are the BIGGEST example to me.. you have NO idea! I want to be JUST like you when I grow up.

  9. oh that is so sweet! I know she will be a good big sister too. Nicole my heart goes out to both you and the birth mom, we have some friends here that adopted about 7 months ago, and they said that first day handing over was the hardest thing to watch. At least you know how she will be feeling. Our prayers and thoughts will be with both you and the birth mother! Wish we could be there to hold the cute little guy! Sure love you guys!

  10. I am so excited for you guys! He is amazing! I have seen some incredible families created through the miracle of adoption, and I know yours is no less special. Little (or rather HUGE) Asher is so fortunate to join your family and I can't wait to see Ruby help take care of him. Congratulations!

  11. Oh, that just made me cry! What a sweet little family. He looks like he definitely belongs with you!

  12. Ruby and Asher are too cute! She's going to be such a great big sister! You have such a beautiful family. Congrats Nicole!

  13. I am so happy to see pictures! He is so cute....and does look like a 3 month old! I'm glad Rubes got to finally meet Asher, so fun!

  14. Ruby is so adorable. I am bawling as I have read this.... brings back such a flood of emotion as Mary was just about Rubys age when we got Ryan. There is nothing sweeter than the innocence of your children. I know that you will enjoy every moment. We look forward to seeing you soon.

  15. ay amiga esta hermoso tu hijo me encanta sus cachetito tan gorditos te quiero mucho amiga y me siento muy feliz por ti por tu aumento en tu familia que gran bendición amiga
    las fotos es lindas
    gracias por la oportunidad que nos da de conocer a tu bebe que linda se vee Ruby con su hermanito
    te mando mi cariño para tu familia

  16. aww congrats! how exciting :) we are so happy for you!

  17. Congratulations! What a beautiful family! Ruby is going to LOVE being a big sister. I echo Heidi's sentiments and want you to know that I'm sending as much love as I possibly can through this little comment. :)

    I can't wait to see more pictures!

  18. Wow! What a big baby and he is adorable! Congrats!

  19. Nicole, I saw your link on Rania's blog today. I have been reading about your family for the last little while! First of all, congratulations on your new baby boy! You have a beautiful family. I am so sorry for the loss of your little baby Isaac. I can tell that the whole experience has made you a stronger person! You are awesome and it has been wonderful to 'see' you. Kelly(McGill) Springer

  20. Nicole-
    What a beautiful little guy! And although he may be big- he is still tiny! I still look at Brenner and think wow- how can you be 6 months already! Enjoy every little moment with him! How fun to see picts of big sister Ruby holding her little brother! I don't remember exactly what little Ruby looked like. But I would imagine her to looking very similar to your little Asher! What a blessing he is! I am so glad he is here safe and sound! I love you so much! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  21. Congratulations, you guys. He is beautiful and will fit perfectly into your little family. He is so lucky. 10+ pounds! WOW!

  22. Hi Nicole!

    I was just updating my blog and looking for LDS images to put on there, so I did a google search and your blog came up as one of the first results because of the Book Of Mormon on your page :) But I honestly don't think it's an accident that I found your blog. I have been reading it and crying over how inspiring it is! It sounds like we are kinda going through the same things right now :) My husband and I just moved from Utah to Arizona about a year and a half ago and it has been the hardest thing we have done to leave our families and everything else behind. If you want to, you can read my blog too :) its I think I have it private, so you can email and I will invite you! I look forward to hearing from you! Congrats on the new baby boy! He is so beautiful!! You have a cute little family :) I hope you have a wonderful Sabbath!

  23. Congratulations you guys! Judy showed us the pictures yesterday and gave us the details. I have been thinking a lot about you guys, and I am so happy for your new addition! I can't wait to meet him! Love you Ruby. :)

  24. ruby looks so grown up next to him. i bet she'll take to being a big sis wonderfully! i'm lovin' his little double chin... already?? what a chub. we can't wait to see you guys.

  25. SOOOO FUN! I'm so excited for you! It really touches me to read all that is going through your minds as it gives insight into what my mom was thinking when she got me. I think it is so cool that you guys adopted this little boy :) He wont have a problem morphing into your family as I can tell he already has :) You are an amazing family and I love you guys! I cant wait to meet little Asher as my coach who adopted said in some way all adopted kids seem to have a bond that no one can really figure out. He is soooo cute! Ruby is such a cute sister! Love you guys!

  26. I just love to look at all of the pictures and he is such a handsome little boy! He has got some pretty massive cheeks!!

  27. He is so adorable! I've been so excited for you to post some pictures of him! I'm SO happy for you; and I'm so glad every thing went well! Congratualations again!
    (P.S. That's sweet what you said about the birth mother).

  28. Nicole! It's Briauna from Nordstrom... I can't help but "blog stalk" and congradulate you on this wonderful addition to your family!! My husband Grant is Teryle Rose's brother... I think you guys are somehow related to Mark, correct?! Anyway, we had the hardest time conceiving our baby Noah, and he is also finally here. I have realized what a blessing motherhood truly is! I am just so thrilled for you guys!
