Wednesday, August 20, 2008


our newest addition...

Asher Jordan

All I can say is that I'm glad I didn't have to push out that 10lb 10oz, 22 inch long baby...I literally don't think I could have done it. Asher's birth mom is my newest hero. I love and respect her so much, and feel forever indebted to her for her selfless sacrifice. She gave us a gift today that only God himself can give. She is by far one of the most Christ-like people I know.
My heart is full to overflowing with joy, and gratitude, and excitement, and anticipation to be the mother of this perfect baby boy; but also it aches for the beautiful girl who carried our child for 9 months, and who labored for 17 hours, and who exerted everything she had (and then some) to deliver an 11 pound baby. And who, in less than 24 hours will be kissing him goodbye, and then walking away from him forever. Tonight all the honor goes to her. May God bless her, and keep her, and wrap his loving arms around her.


  1. We are so excited for you!!!! He is so beautiful. Our love and prayers for you and for your birth mom. Can't wait to see him in person.

  2. YAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! I am so thrilled for you guys!!! He is so cute and that's a great name. I can't imagine doing what your sweet birth mom is doing, and I admire her immensely for it! Our thoughts and prayers will be with all of you guys.

  3. OH yeah, he is so cute, and wow I agree with you, I am glad my boy was little, I hope my girl is too! You had me in tears Nicole. You guys deserve this little boy more then anyone I know! Can't wait to see more fun pictures of him.

  4. Woohoo! What a sweetie! I cannot believe his size and know the outfit I bought him will NOT fit! Hmmmm......

    We will pray for Asher's birth mom tonight! Can't wait to see the big guy!

  5. So amazing! Congrats and the birth mom could not have picked a better family!

  6. What a beautiful little boy! I'm in tears! I'm so happy for you. This little spirit doesn't know how lucky he is...yet! Congratulations! My heart goes out to Lindsay as she has made this crucial decision in her life. What an incredible person she must be. We love you guys and can't wait to hold your sweet little Asher Jordan Eagleston!!!

  7. What a beautiful baby boy! I'm so happy for you and your cute little family.

  8. Nicole, he's so perfect! I'm so happy for you guys!

  9. What a beautiful baby. I can't wait to meet him. What a wonderful gift you are recieving. I know that the birth mom will be blessed for her sacrifice. She is inspiring. She will be in my heart and prayers.

  10. YAY!!! I am so happy for you guys! What an incredible blessing birth moms are and so inspiring to witness how unselfish they are. They are truly choice individuals who truly understand The Plan of our Heavenly Father.

  11. I am so excited for you guys! What a wonderful experience and yes, wow what a big guy!! He is adorable. Best of luck to you!

  12. I've been checking everyday to see if he is here yet. Yeah!!! I am SO excited for you, John & Ruby. Can't wait to see more of him!

  13. He is beautiful! I can't wait to meet him in person. Our love and prayers are with you guys.

  14. wow, What a beautiful little boy! Im so excited for you guys! I cant wait to meet him! How HARD that would be for his mother... like you said, to just "walk away" in a few hours. I saw one of my friends go through giving up her baby but it was to a random family. I know Ashers birth mom feels very comforted knowing that he is going to the best mom and dad on the planet!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I have been waiting for this post. Congradulations I am so excited for your guys. I admire Women like the birth Mom that are so selfless to give their baby something they never could. You guys are such amazing people and we will be praying for you all.

  17. Yipee!!! We are so excited for you and your family! Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys and the birth mom. Can't wait to see the cute guy in person!!

  18. congrats eagleston family!
    we are so excited for you and your family. that is such a valiant thing both you and the birth mother did. it's so great to see people who will do anything for a child, whether its physical, monetary, or emotional. i have family members that are doing everything in their power right now to start a family, i am so amazed at the love and devotion that people put forth to start and add to their families. we really take for granted the miracle it is to bring a child to this earth. i am learning that we can make our plans but heavenly father has plans of his own for us, sometimes they are the same, but when they are not, they end up being the best thing for us. i am so happy for you and your latest addition, i hope to meet your asher soon! he looks so juicy!!!

  19. We are so excited for your family! Asher is so adorable! We can't wait to see more of him!

  20. We are really excited for you! He is so beautiful -every little feature! We are excited to see how Ruby reacts to her new little brother! We will keep your family in our prayers as well as Asher's birth mom. I love the name "Asher Jordan!" We miss you! Love, Brandi and Jason Mitchell

  21. Congratulations, we are so very happy for you. What a handsome little guy!

  22. hooray, he's here! i am beyond excited for you all and can't wait to see him and get my germ-free, well sanitized hands on him!

    and as always, i will keep you and your family as well as dear lindsay in our prayers. what an amazing, selfless, sacrifice she has made. prayers will be made on her behalf, and heavenly father will take care of the rest.

  23. nicole muchas felicidades por tu hijo es hermoso
    ves como el asaeƱor nos bendice despues de las pruebas que tenemos en nuestra vidas
    amiga gracias por compartir a tu hijos con nosotros
    que hermosos son los fruto del amor de la familia
    felicidades y disfruta mucho de tus hijos porque es tu hijo si asi lo sientes es asi
    te quiero mucho amiga y estoy muy feliz por tu nuevo hijo

  24. He is so precious. Congrats! What a big baby, he stills looks tiny though. Has Ruby met her little brother yet. YAAAY!!! I am so excited for you.

  25. He's beautiful! His birth mother is in our prayers.

  26. Congratulations! I am truly so happy for you! What an awesome experience! More pictures please!!

  27. What a miracle. I am so glad there are such loving, humble, and unselfish people out there who give their beautiful little babies to those who so desperately want them.

  28. He is so perfect!! We are very excited for you guys! What a blessing Asher is to you and your family. I wish you guys the best of luck on travelling back. We hope to see you and the beautiful baby soon! Love ya guys! Congrats!

  29. I'm so happy for you guys! He is beautiful!! What a wonderful family for him to come home to! What does Ruby think of him?

  30. Congrats to you and your family! I am so excited for your all. What a special to be able to give him the family he needs.

  31. My heart is so full of love and gratitude right now, it's difficult to sum these feelings up in simple words. I'm constantly in awe by you and John - always have been. I can't think of two people who deserve this precious baby boy more than you and John do. This child is one LUCKY boy to have two of the most loving, warm, righteous, generous and strong parents on the planet. I'm so happy he's here - happy and healthy. My prayers are with the birth mom. I love what you said about her sacrifice being so similar to Heavenly Father's - this is so true. There's no greater act of love than that. Keep those pictures and updates coming.

    PS: Did you or the birth mom come up with the name?

  32. Congratulations! I am so excited for you! Our prayers are with you and the birth mom.

  33. What a darling baby boy! I love his name too. Congrats to all of you! Your little Ruby is such a beautiful little girl. I bet she will be the greatest big sister!
