Thursday, August 28, 2008

he's only a week old...

but he is not a weak boy.

In fact, today he rolled over for the very first time. I had him on his stomach while I was taking some pictures, and he suddenly, using his arm as leverage, flipped himself over and onto his back. I was stunned...especially since (if I'm remembering right) Ruby was close to five months before she rolled over for the first time.
Something else that has me baffled is that he already sleeps though the night! Last night he slept for 8 1/2 hours straight! Then, after I finally fed him at 7:30 this morning, he fell asleep again for another 4 hours!
He is such a perfect baby, who has already blessed our family in so many ways.

Sweet baby Asher, your momma loves you so much - as do your daddy and big sister...

Perhaps one day you'll understand how uniquely special and truly loved you really are.


  1. Wow, what a guy! He is precious,and I love the chubbiness! I bet it so much fun having another little one, I am so happy for you! I can't believe he is sleeping through the night, what an angel!

  2. Already sleeping through the night?!?!? He is for sure a keeper! (: He is so sweet.

  3. Gotta love the large babies and their awesome sleeping habits! Pretty soon, he will be picking up Ruby! I love the last picture!

  4. I am so glad that I am finally "ungrounded" so that I could read your blog today. I am also so so happy that I was able to meet Asher yesterday. I love you guys and though I have a contact buzz from the cleaner I am using I am getting the paint out of my carpet :)

  5. Nicole- he is beautiful! What a darling little boy! I can't believe he rolled over already! Wow!!! What a sweet little family! I love your pictures! Can't wait to see you guys!

  6. How neat, he is so cute, and strong. You can tell Ruby just loves him, she looks so worried that he is crying and comforted at the same to knowing that her daddy is trying to help him. How sweet!

  7. our children are ridiculously similar. ruby and ava are so alike in so many ways, and now asher and emaline... she slept through the night very early and she rolled over for the first time at 3 weeks (although she has yet to do it since.) i cannot wait to meet him!

    ** yesterday, when ava was playing with her baby dolls i asked her what their names were. the first doll she named annie (not sure where that came from), and the second doll she named baby asher. i guess, she's pretty excited to meet him, too.

  8. oh... he is SOO beautiful!! WOW!! How awesome for you guys! Congrats again.. ps, I got your message about not having my email to email me but its

  9. you have a magic baby...
    sleeping through the night already.

  10. Is it just me, or is anyone else thinking "special half-vampire baby who grows and advances at an incredible rate"? :) He is beautiful and I am SO happy for you that he is sleeping like a champ. They really do make our lives amazing, don't they? xoxo

  11. Got to love bigger babies, they sleep so much better than smaller ones. At least that is what has happened around here in my home. What a cute, chubby little guy.
