Monday, June 2, 2008

unforgettable moments...

I love photography. I don't really know the ins and outs, and I haven't learned many of the rules, but I have always loved to take pictures. I have owned dozens of cameras over the years, and have gone through countless rolls of film...all in an effort to capture life's moments. The moments that otherwise might be forgotten forever. There's something special about a photograph. Like almost nothing else, a simple photograph has the power to take you back...back to that perfect, magical, unforgettable moment in time.

I was so happy to have captured this magical moment shared by Ruby and her daddy. This picture really embodies the essence of their relationship. I love watching the two of them together. Simply put, they're crazy about each other.

John actually took this photograph as he arrived home from work. Ruby and I had been playing together on her bedroom floor. We got out a giant blanket to lie on, and played with her dollies and stuffed animals, and then read almost every children's book that we own. We laughed, and snuggled, and gave kisses, and sang songs...truly another of those beautiful life moments.

I'm so grateful that we have our little Ruby. I enjoy the time that we've been able to spend with just her. I anxiously await (and welcome) the addition of more children; but when that happens, life as we now know it -with just the three of us- will be gone forever...and we'll have nothing more than the sweet memories - provoked by hundreds and hundreds of photographs.


  1. I love that picture of John and Ruby. How precious. I couldn't agree more with you about photography.

  2. Nic,
    You know that your dad has a differing opinion about picture taking. I believe that we sometimes actually miss savoring "the moment" because we're too concerned with trying to take a picture of it. But, I have always known that your mom, you, all your sisters, and most other people agree with you. And, I have to admit that you have taken some beautiful photographs and preserved some very magical moments. Bless your heart! I love you.

  3. That picture is amazingly awesome! You absolutely need to have that printed on canvas and hung in Ruby's room!

  4. I've always thought that you take such amazing pictures. I envy your skills...and your camera! What a beautiful of Ruby and her daddy, she'll always cherish that. It's perfect.

  5. Love the first picture! It seems you are enjoying your new camera stuff, if you've gotten it.

  6. Nicole, you really have a gift. That picture of Ruby and John is breath-takingly beautiful.

    And John's not bad either. :)

  7. I so agree! I LOVE photography, but also agree a bit with your dad because I find myself obsessing over getting a perfect picture sometimes and miss out on the moment. I've tried lately to limit the amount of time I have the camera out in a situation and then just put it away! I've been trying to practice the actual skill of it and trying new features at designated and planned times so when the spontaneous moments come, I'm not as worried about what I'm doing.

    That picture of John and Ruby is great! I love how her skirt is perfectly flowing out. I'm making a book for Mike from G for Father's Day and I'm amazed at how many pictures of them I have compiled over time! It has also driven home the reality that it's not just going to be her anymore very soon -- sort of bittersweet.

  8. That is the most amazing picture I've ever seen! How precious! And it looks like John's got some mad photo skills, too!

    I used to love taking pictures, but I never took any as good as the ones on this blog. Ruby will cherish the snapshots you've taken.

    Thanks, as always, for sharing. More pictures of Ruby Roo - keep them coming.

    (I can't wait to see pictures of Baby Boy Eagleston!)

  9. Though I am learning I'm not nearly as knowledgagle or talented as you are, I also love photography. My Jason liked to give me a hard time for the hundreds of pictures I take (probably) every month. You ALWAYS have amazing "moments" you share with us here.

    Also, I am so beyond excited for you guys to be welcoming a new baby in August!!! I understand how long this time must have been for you and the careful consideration you have put into your decision. You DESERVE this sweet, happy boy, and I can't wait for him to join your amazing family!

  10. Amen. Im grateful for a sister to take my memorable moments because im not so good with cameras. Little girls and their dads makes me melt!
    and CONGRATS on the new baby boy. You will find so much joy and energy in having a boy!! What a special day that will be!

  11. That picture of John and Ruby made me cry! It is so adorable and makes me remember each and every day with my dad.

  12. Hi Nicole,
    That picture took my breath away! We are so excited about the new addition to your family. Thank you for sharing the experience. We love and miss you!

    Brandi,Jason & Elyse
