Wednesday, June 4, 2008

she takes my breath away...

Two years ago, and almost to the exact hour, I met my little gem for the very first time. I'll never forget the feelings of overwhelming and indescribable love that came over me the very second the delivery nurse laid Ruby on my chest. I remember how big her eyes were, and how alert she seemed, as she became familiar with this new and strange world. I remember that she didn't make a peep. She was tranquil and serene as she took her first breaths of life. I remember peering into her eyes, and she into mine, and then getting the feeling that we had known each other forever. I remember wondering what she was thinking, and wishing she could tell me, and then getting the sense that there was so much more to this baby snuggled in my arms. It was as if she had a wealth of knowledge, and the only thing stopping her from sharing it, was that the grandeur of her spirit was trapped in a tiny, helpless body. I remember feeling such a connection with her, and wondering how I could have previously lived so many years without her. In those first, quiet, solemn moments, she took my breath away.

And still, to this day, she takes my breath away.

These two years have truly been the best of my life. I never imagined how wonderful motherhood could be. Ruby makes me feel whole and complete. She makes me smile and laugh. She has taught me so much about life and love. She is happy, and lively, and cheerful, and innocent, and pure...and so full of love. In fact, everything I desire to be, my two year old daughter is.

John and I surprised her (first thing this morning) by barging in her room and busting out in the birthday song. I think it was a little overwhelming for her, not to mention a little confusing. We were bummed to find out the the disk in our camera was full, and that we weren't able to capture her excitement as she opened her presents. It truly was a sight to behold, and reminded me just how exciting birthdays are for kids. I took plenty of pictures though, which I will post later, but for now, here's what we have of the Birthday girl on video...

Happy Birthday - my precious little gem!


  1. happy b-day little ruby girl. we love you! i couldn't get the video to play but i'll try again latter.

  2. She takes my breath away, too. And, I remember when I first saw her mommy (right after you were born), and I wondered how I could love this little "stranger" so much, so immediately. You hit on the answer in your comments - we weren't strangers to each other at all...

    I love you Nic, and John, and my Little Roo! Happy Birthday Ruby!

  3. She truly is a gem Nicole! What a cute video of you guys. I've been meaning to call you. I'll call you tomorrow.

    Happy birthday to Ruby! We love you guys.

  4. The video was all darling, but my favorite part has to be her "Hi John" from her crib. Too funny! Happy Birthday to Ruby!

  5. That is so fun, I love birthdays, They start to get so fun when they get so excited. She is so sweet and cute, can't wait to see all the pics!

  6. OH and congrats on the baby boy. How exciting, I have always looked up to you guys so much, and for you to take this huge leap of faith in following your prompting makes me even more so thankful that we know you, and you are able to teach us more of the things we need to always remember to do. Thank you for all your words, and advice(even though you may not think you are giving advice you are through the spirit you carry with you) The Eaglestons are amazing people!! CAn't wait to see the cute little special miracle!

  7. I was thinking about little Ruby Roo last night - "I can't believe it was two years ago," I thought. In a way, it seems as though she's always been here. I still remember the moment John told me about her arrival, and I remember thinking "There aren't two more deserving people in this world! What a lucky baby girl!" I remember looking at her pictures thinking "she looks just like her daddy". I printed one of those pictures out (Ruby with a pink bow next to a pink satin blanket) and put on the fridge - "Ruby Christine Eagleston June, 4, 2006." Whenever anyone asked whose baby she was, I say "she belongs to my good friends John and Nicole."

    I believe that Ruby Roo was created just for you, and that she'll be a light and inspiration to many. She's so beautiful and precious. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUBY ROO! You're loved my so many!

  8. PS: Ruby may have looked like daddy when she was born, but she looks just like mommy now! :)

  9. I was watching this with Gavin and he said, "I want to go to the birthday party, let's get in the car and go!"
    That was so much fun to watch! Thank you for sharing that. She is darling. Happy Birthday Ruby!!

  10. Happy Birthday Ruby! That video was so precious. I love when she said "Hi John". That is so cute!

  11. Happy Birthday Ruby! She's adorable and I love when she started to eat the cupcake!! And of course the Hi John part was great. Birthdays are the best! We just celebrated Baylee's on the 3rd.

  12. HAppy Birthday! I will be doing the same thing on Sunday! I love that these two girls are so close in age! I love that she went for the cupcake, so cute! It makes me want to squeeze those chubby cheeks of hers! Evelynne asks for "bubie" every once in a while. It took me a little bit to figure out what she was saying......Ruby! How fun for those cute little girls!

  13. Happy Happy Birthday to little Ruby! We love her more than words can say! We hope she had a fabulous birthday! It sounds like she really did live it up with cupcakes and a movie past midnight! So so fun!!! Happy Birthday Ruby Girl!

  14. i love it when she says "Hi John," i laugh every time. its so cute. its the best.

  15. Happy birthday Ruby!! She is a beautiful gem and I know that she will continue to take your breath away for, well, probably your whole life! :)
    Glad you had such a fun day!
