Thursday, May 29, 2008

we found him...

We found our baby boy. He will be coming to us in August. In fact, John and I know the birth mom. I know her really well, and have known her since she was a baby. I have always felt a special connection with her, as I used to babysit her and her sisters. It's been amazing for me to witness the Lord's dealings the past few months, and how perfectly he has lined everything up for us, and for our beautiful birth mom. There have been too many "coincidences" to be labeled coincidences. I call them tender mercies. Without divulging too much, and to avoid sharing things that are too personal and too sacred, I will just say that this little boy is ours. He is part of our family, and always has been. I don't know why he needs to come a different way, but to me, it doesn't matter. I know that he's ours, and I know that preparations for him to come to our home and family have been made for a very long time now. I feel honored that we have been chosen to be the parents of this valiant spirit, and I'm glad that we have been deemed worthy instruments in bringing about this most beautiful and sacred work of the Lord.
This is just another testimony to me that when the Lord asks us to do something, He will provide a way for us to accomplish His work. Back in November, we recieved promptings that we needed to adopt a child. We had no idea how to even start the process. But as we did everything in our power to remain close to the Lord and worthy of His Spirit, we began to see miracles happen. Many times we had to exert our own faith and take a few steps into the darkness, but, little by little, our path was illuminated. The Lord always keeps His promises. Of this I am a witness.

But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men: for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen.

1 Nephi 9:6


  1. Congratulations!! I am so excited for your family. :0)


    Ever since I heard you two were looking to adopt, I've been praying and fasting for you often. Your names (and Ruby's too) have been written on my hearts.

    Honestly, I don't know of two better people to parent a child. Your capacity to love, your faith, your goodness - you truly are instruments in the Lord's hands, indeed.

    What a phenomenal blessing!!!!!!!

    Just seconds before checking your blog, I was crying out of heartbreak...

    Now, I'm crying for joy because you and John are finally getting another baby boy to love. What a lucky child to have two amazing parents.

    I love that you know the birth mother well. This will be such a blessing to all of you. And I love how this illustrates just how much Heavenly Father truly is aware of us, how much He knows the desires of our hearts, that He does answer the prayers of the righteous, and that He does show His love through tender mercies. What a sweet miracle. I can't think of two more deserving people.

    LOTS OF LOVE to each of you.

  3. Congratulations! How neat and exciting!! You and John are such amazing people- this new little one will be so blessed to have you two be his parents!

  4. Woohoo! Congratulations! How fun too to have a girl and a boy! I'm beyond thrilled that it is working out for you guys! Time to get nesting! (Um, for me too -- my nest is a bit behind ...)

  5. This post seriously made my day. I am beyond excited for you guys. I remember when you first posted about adopting right after Boston was born and when I would wake up during the night with him you guys were on my mind all the time. I would just pray that you would get the opportunity to do again what I was doing. I am so glad that Heavenly Father has answered all of our prayers for your family you are so deserving.

  6. Hip Hip Hooray! So excited to have the two boys so close!

  7. Congratulations! How neat for your family. What a lucky little boy.

  8. Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you, Nicole! I can't think of better people for these wonderful things to happen to. You and John are so amazing and I'm so so so happy for you!!

  9. aww how cute-that will be so fun for ruby to have a little brother, congrats you guys!!

  10. Yea!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!!

  11. Ironically, over the past couple weeks I have been thinking about you guys and praying that you could find a baby...what incredible news! I am thrilled for you!

  12. So exciting! I can't wait to meet him too.

  13. I am so happy for you! That is amazing. He is one blessed little boy to be coming to parents like you. He couldn't be in better hands.

  14. wow, what a great thing. I love that story, it makes me tear up and smile all at once! It was so good to see you three and cant wait to see you again.

  15. I don't know whether to scream or cry for your joy!!
    Isn't it amazing how the Lord really does have everything already figured out from the beginning!! What little miracles children are!! Congratulations!!

  16. Nicole, you truly are an incredible woman! What a wonderful blessing for the both of you.
    And what a blessing fror this new little baby boy to come to such a wonderful family. I truly look up to you and John so much!
    Thanks for being the wonderful people that you are and I am so glad that the Lord has blessed you in such a wonderful way!
    Love you!

  17. Thats so exciting! Jack will have another little buddy to hang with!
    Congrats guys!!

  18. Congratulations! I am sooo happy for you guys. What a beautiful story. I love how the Lord is always mindful of our needs and how no matter what things will always work out.

  19. Wow, that is so amazing! We are so happy and excited for your family!

  20. We are very happy for the three of you. Congratulations and best wishes. I'm sure this goes way beyond exciting.

    AND, Happy Birthday to you both John and Nicole, as well as Happy Birthday to your Dad, Nicole. Brian is by far the most special person on earth.

    Sharon and I celebrated our birthdays on the 19th. It's good to be a May baby...

    Ruby is looking so good after her ordeal. You guys are awesome.

    Our Love to you all... T&S

  21. Nic! Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you guys! I realized I haven't looked at your blog in a while and just happened to check it tonight...I'm so glad I did!

  22. nicole, i am soo happy for you guys! i read your blog often and dont comment enough!!!just now as i read your post of the sweet little boy who will come to your family, i felt the spirit soo strong, and tears filled my are an inspiration to me and such a STRONG example of unwaivering faith in our Lord and Savior. what a blessing this little angel will be, but what more of a blessing you and john will be to him as his two are such amazing parents! we love you guys and cant wait to meet him this summer!

  23. That is the best news I have heard in long time! You guys definitely deserve it and what a huge blessing. Ruby is going to make a great big sister!

  24. Congratulations! That's so exciting. It is amazing how things always seem to work out.

    Dawn & Jeff Foutz

  25. what a beautiful post and what beautiful news!! I'm so happy for you and your family.

  26. I am so excited for you guys!! I saw John at the golf course the other day and told me the great news. Congrats! We need to get together soon. We need to have you guys over!

  27. YAY!!! I'm so happy for you, congratulations! That is so exciting!

  28. I am so excited for you family. I can not wait to meet the little guy. this is going to be great. Again, Congratulations!

  29. WOW!! We are SO happy for you guys! Happy doesn't even fully express my feelings Nicole. :)

    Please keep us posted on the events. We love you guys!

  30. Nicole-
    I couldn't be happier for a sweeter couple! We love you so much! Congratulations!!!!
