Monday, June 16, 2008

missing my girl...

It's amazing how only a day or two apart from someone you love...can feel like an eternity. And it's amazing to me that all the little things that might have previously upset you, or bothered you, about that person - are the very things you would welcome, in a heartbeat, if it meant that you could see that person again, soon. They seem to be the very things you actually...miss.
John and I went to Las Vegas for the weekend to support his brother, Paul, whose film premiered at the CineVegas film festival...(which deserves it's very own blog post). We left Ruby with our friends Ben and Lindsay, or as Ruby would say Ben and Nancy. (It's so funny to hear her say really does sound just like Nancy.) So anyway, I was surprised by how much I missed her and couldn't wait to get home to see her. She was already asleep by the time we got home to pick her up, and as hard as I tried to rouse her, she just wasn't having it. We put her in our bed hoping to get some good snuggle time in with her, but she was in a complete comatose state, and didn't even move or budge until 9:00 this morning. John had already left to go to work, so I was the only one there to greet her when she did finally open her eyes...and then she welcomed me with the biggest, most beautiful smile I have ever seen. There are not words sufficient to adequately convey the love I feel for this little girl.

Absence really does make the heart grow fonder; and that old adage has never rung more true for me, than it did this weekend...missing my girl.


  1. That is so true Nicole. Whenever Layn and I leave somewhere initially I really look forward to it and can't wait to leave and then once we leave I can't wait to get home to Ty and I'm ALWAYS thinking of him. I'm so glad you guys had fun and got home safely.

  2. that is a beautiful picture of ruby-rubes!

    i totally understand how you feel. when i had emaline and was forced to spend the night in the hospital, i missed ava so much, and the hospital was only 4 miles away! i couldn't wait to see her the next day.

  3. What if your girl (and her girl)lives 600 miles away? :(

  4. How sweet! What an incredible mother you are, and that little Ruby just melts my heart. Stop making me so darn baby hungry! (I'm kidding).
