Wednesday, June 11, 2008

there was a little girl...

who had a little curl,
right in the middle of her forehead.
when she was good,
she was very, very good,
but when she bad she was horrid.

This poem perfectly describes my sweet - yet defiant - two year old, who, quite literally entered the "terrible twos"...the very day she turned two. Sometimes she's so sweet I can hardly stand it. Like when she prays. Just this morning, after thanking Heavenly Father for the food, and asking Him to bless it, she then (all on her own, and in the most irresistible little angelic voice) said "bwess Rae mission...bwess baby Jesus Christ...amen". I couldn't believe that she said the entire prayer all on her own, and that she remembered to pray for such important things as her aunt who is serving a mission in Minnesota, and her new baby brother who will join our family in August. So it goes without saying that it was completely mind boggling to me how in just a matter of minutes, she turned into a loud, whiny, demanding, exacting, impolite and impatient, little turd (for lack of a better word)...begging and crying (screaming, rather) for more cereal.
One minute she's happy, laughy, cuddly, cooperative, and as polite as ever...and then the next, she's spitting, or attempting to tear her shirt off, or punching herself in the face, or kicking her flip flops off, or chucking her binky across the room, or trying to pull my hair out, or throwing herself on the floor...and then banging her head against it. I try not to laugh when she acts this way, but sometimes I just can't help it because it's beyond ridiculous, and doesn't even seem real. However, the laughing just intensifies everything, as does my reproving, and protesting. I've found that it's better to just walk away from her, and know that within a minute or two, she'll have her arms wrapped tight around my legs, and then she'll reach up and ask "hold you mommy?"...after which I'll pick her up in my arms, she'll plant a big ol' kiss on my lips, wrap her arms around my neck, and finally, while gently patting my back, she'll say, (again, in that irresistible little angelic voice of hers) "love you, mommy"...

happens nine times out of ten :)

Gotta love those horribly horrific, yet terribly terrific...twos!


  1. I totally hear you! Except, forgive me for this downer, but I've found that being three is way worse than two!

  2. Oh, but how can you resist such a precious girl who says her prayers and says things like "hold you, mommy?"

    Like the saying goes, "if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." I love that little poem from Longfellow... She'll grow out of the "testing the boundaries and limits because I'm two-years-old" phase.

    What a precious little doll. I just want to eat her up, she's so sweet!

  3. Amen! My daughter was in the terrible two's from the day she turned one until about 3. Now she is my little angel (most of the time). Thank goodness for their sweet moments, or we'd lose our minds! (:

  4. Oh Nicole, can I say I feel your pain? It seems Ty has entered that stage as well and he's not even two yet! Its true that when they are good they are really good, and when they are bad they are really bad. What happened to something in between the two extremes? Good luck. I think it is a never-ending learning process for parents.

    I tried calling you last night and left a message (now that I think of it I think I call you often on Wednesday evenings and it doesn't occur to me until the next day that you have mutual to attend. One of these days I'll get it through my head!) I miss hanging out and going fun places and we need to do something soon! Give me a call when you get a chance.

  5. I felt like dejavous reading this because we had this conversation last night.

    I didn't really believe you about the spitting until she did it right before you were leaving, it was quite humerous to watch! It's also more funny when someone elses kid is doing it and not your own! Good luck, she's got spunk!

  6. oh my goodness.. that made me laugh so hard!! hahaha... I really want to see this little show she puts on!!

  7. You know what? Turd is a great word. And, maybe I'm a bad mom, but some days Alex can get SO out of hand that I'll tell her she's "being a turd...but I LOVE turds!" Best of luck to you Nicole! You really are a wonderful mom, and make sure you tell yourself that everyday!! :)
