Thursday, June 19, 2008

hi my name is ryan...

This past weekend, John and I were able to take a mini trip to see his brother Paul's documentary entitled Hi My Name Is Ryan, which debuted at CineVegas, a film festival held annually in Las Vegas. The whole experience, for us, was both enjoyable and unforgettable. From the unique, creative, heartwarming, and inspiring film, to seeing Paul and Amy on the red carpet, to the celebrity sightings, to the after-party put on by the filmmakers and executive producer (Paul and his cousins) - held in a penthouse suite at the Palms. The place was exuding excitement and energy. It was such a fun experience to be able to view the documentary along with many of Ryan's family members and friends who appeared in the film. I think they all loved it. We went to both showings, and I loved being there for the Q&A afterwards. It was great to hear all the positive feedback and praise from the other viewers. The entire time I was just beaming with pride to have such a cool and talented brother-in-law. I know that Paul and Stephen have worked really hard on this documentary, which has been almost two years in the making, and I hope so bad that the film gets picked up by one of the buyers who attended the premiere.

Just a few highlights from our incredibly fun and amazing weekend...

Some of the film's cast and crew members

Paul on the red carpet

Paul and Stephen (the filmmakers), with Michael (the executive producer) in the middle...all three cousins

Paul and my beautiful sister-in-law Amy

Some of Ryan's friends and fellow band members from the film

John and I also managed to get an "unofficial" red carpet shot while no one was looking

And some of our celebrity sightings...

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson...notice how he's sort of smiling for our picture :)

Dennis Hopper and some random fan

Robin Leach

and finally last, but certainly not least...

Morgan Spurlock from the documentary Super Size Me. We didn't actually get a picture of him, but he walked right past us as we were sitting at McDonald's in the food court...pretty much stuffing our own faces with french fries. Needless to say, we felt pretty ridiculous sitting there at McDonald's of all places.


  1. Your pics turned out so great. It was such a fun weekend...though I have had to wash everything I took with me twice to get the smell of smoke totally out.

  2. That's so awesome! Way to go Paul! I can't wait to see the film someday.

    BTW, the part about Morgan Spurlock is pretty awesome too. Murphy's Law!

  3. Hoot mon, Lass! Looks like you've changed your hair color a wee bit (again)!

  4. Wow! It looks like you guys had a blast! That's so cool that your brother/brother-in-law made a documentary. How exciting. You two look so cute on the red carpet. The Rock looks..... GOOD! And Dennis Hopper - he graduated from my first highschool in San Diego (the one I originally attended before my mom passed away). He came to our Homecoming parade in 1994. (Man, I was a 9th grader that long ago? Crazy).


  5. Ps: Nicole, why do you always look like a fashion model? You're so pretty and I love your style!

  6. That is so awesome! You and John look like you belong on the red carpet!

  7. This is so neat that you were able to go and do this. I am jealous that you got to see The Rock, i love him!

  8. aahh! i finally watched the trailer and i totally want to see this! it looks so up my alley. what a fun weekend you both had!

  9. What a fun experience!! So excited for Paul! Such an accomplishment!!

  10. How fun you guys! Congrats to your brother John! That is so neat. The movie looks great and I love documentaries.

  11. Thats awesome! I hope it gets picked up, then we can go see it in the theaters, and we can sell paul's autographs on ebay!

  12. That is so awesome for your brother! I want to see the movie!! Your little Ruby was so well behaved at our house with Lindsay and Ben. She looked like she was having fun with them. We miss you guys. Lets get together soon!

  13. oh my gosh!! What a fun time!! I love all those pics!!

  14. I was reading through your blog to cheer myself up...

    When I saw that picture of "The Rock", I had to laugh because everytime I see him now, I think of Hannah Montana. (I know, I know - I'm 29, so why am I watching a kids show.) He was so funny and cute on that show, so everytime I see him I just think "oh, what a nice guy." (And good looking, too!)
