Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i hope she loves her baby brother...

as much as she loves her baby doll.

Ruby has been so darling with her dolly the past couple of weeks. She refuses to go anywhere unless baby gets to come, too. For example, baby sits in a chair across from Ruby during meals, baby comes to the pool with us and watches Ruby swim, baby accompanies us to the grocery store, and to the mall. When Ruby goes down for her nap, baby goes down, too. When Ruby watches a movie on our bed, you can bet that baby is lying right by her side. Ruby makes sure that baby always has her binky at hand, and the other day I even caught her giving baby a drink of milk from her sippy cup.
It's wonderful for me to watch how loving and nurturing she can be as she cares for her own little baby.

Now my hope is that she will employ that same energy and passion in loving and nurturing her new baby brother.


  1. That is so sweet. Isn't it amazing how little girls are just born with a maternal instinct? She will be a wonderful big sister.

  2. Alex WAS the same way with her dolls and LOVES Macy just as much...possible MORE! I'm always having to PEEL Alex off Macy's face, hands, arms, get the idea. But I'm sure Ruby will love her little brother and be a great big sis!

    And P.S.
    We couldn't be more excited for your little family to welcome your new little baby boy. What a blessing! We love you guys.

  3. She is so sweet with that baby. Sometimes I catch Evelynne trying to feed other things too, however, it doesn't just stop with her doll! She will be such a loving big sister!

  4. Very cute, I noticed she brought baby along with her the other night! Baby brother will get lots and lots of love from Ruby!

  5. So cute. I have no doubt she will be just as cute with her baby brother. In fact, you will probably be grateful for her little dolly because it will provide a distraction as you are juggling a toddler and a newborn.

  6. What a sweetheart! I bet she can't wait for the "real" baby to come home! How exciting for you all!

  7. Oh I have no doubt she will love her baby brother to pieces! What cute pics of Ruby with her baby doll.

  8. Hello there,

    I saw your blog and your kids is so adorable and beautiful...

    I also have one name Solaris... Nice picture of your family..


  9. Thanks for your nice comment Nicole. I just love how cute little girls are with babies. And Ruby is just darling.

  10. Too cute...she is so tender!

  11. Ruby is so, so precious! Those pictures just melt my heart. That baby boy is going to be the luckiest baby boy on the planet when he joins your family. He'll have two of the sweetest parents and one adorable, tender sister.

    Love to the Eaglestons

  12. I'm sure she will adore him. Hopefully he doesn't look like that doll. Love ya guys.

  13. sweetness. that ruby, we just love her.

    i'm sure she'll love baby brother and be such a helper when he joins your family.

  14. Ruby's so dang cute; I'm sure she'll be a great big sister!

  15. She will love that little brother! She has always been so sweet with Brenner. It's amazing how different little girls are in comparison to little boys. JR will be karate chopping BB's tummy- and sweet little Ruby is there to calm him and give him his binki. =) We can't wait for the arrival of your little guy! What a loving big sister she will be! She is such a doll!
