Tuesday, May 20, 2008

renewed dedication...

Seriously what is happening with the time? Am I the only one who is in complete shock that we're already nearing the end of May? And wasn't it just yesterday that I published my oh my goodness where did April go!? post? I feel really bad that my blog has been so neglected, especially because it's something that I have always enjoyed keeping up on. I would love to be able to go back and recap everything that has happened over the past couple of weeks, but because of the lack of time and energy it would require, I don't think I will...at least not now. Rather, I think I'll just start with today, and try to be more consistent from here on out. I do have some pictures and stories to share from our recent trip to Utah which I will probably post - bit by bit - over the next little while. In the meantime, however, and for what it's worth...I hereby commit, with renewed dedication, to improving the quality and consistency of my poor, neglected, disregarded, slighted, and utterly ignored...



  1. Good for you ... my blog is extremely neglected as well! I still have posts in my unpublished folder that have been begun but sadly, not completed. I still plan on posting them but it will just be weird since some are from early April! Sad!

  2. Hooray! I love reading your posts.

  3. Are you kidding? You are the best blogger I know! I love reading all your posts! Happy Happy Birthday to you and John this weekend... and soon to be Ruby's second birthday! I can't believe the year has come and gone by so quickly! We love you guys!

  4. Yes, I definitely agree that you are the best blogger I know of too! I've been the same blog slacker as of late.

    Thanks again for inviting me to Diana's get-together tonight!

  5. oh good. I was worried something had happened! Please keep blogging. I really enjoy reading your posts!!

  6. YAY! I've been checking your blog almost daily looking for updates. I figured you must be busy preparing for John's b-day on the 23rd.

    I can't wait to read up on some new blog entries. I've been blogging on mine, but no one reads mine. You, though... you have the best blog. :)

    PS: Please tell me that picture isn't real. It's sad. :(

  7. that picture looks like our baby's nursery!

    welcome back!

  8. No, you are not the only one wondering where May is going to so quickly! I can't believe it's almost gone!
