Sunday, May 4, 2008

happy four years...

The lesson in young womens today was on the temple endowment - which caused me to reflect on the day that John and I were married. Because of my service as a full-time missionary, I had been endowed for five years by the time John and I were married; but the Temple endowment (and all the other ordinances that I had previously participated in) took on a whole new meaning the day I was able to enter the beautiful Salt Lake Temple and be sealed to my eternal sweetheart. That blessed event took place exactly 4 years ago today. These four years have supplied us with many life changing experiences and unforgettable memories. We have had countless opportunities for joy and laughter, and also some moments of heartache and tears...but through it all - and because of it all - we have fallen more and more in love with each other.

Last night John surprised me by lining up a babysitter, and then took me to a very fancy restaurant, followed by a movie. As if our wonderful evening together wasn't enough, this morning he presented me with this most beautiful, framed picture, of the Salt Lake Temple. I will forever cherish this special gift from my sweetheart, as it will serve as a reminder of, not only the promises we made together as we knelt across the sealing alter, but also of the countless blessings the Lord has bestowed upon our marriage.

John, thank you for blessing me with four of the best years of my life. I love you with my whole heart and soul, and look forward to celebrating many many anniversaries together.


  1. Congrats guys! I love that pic of the SLC Temple!

  2. I saw a picture very similar to that the other day and I was drooling over it. I love the frame inside the frame kind of thing. It's beautiful. Way to go, John! And happy anniversary.

  3. Happy anniversary! What a good guy--surprises are the best! Your wedding pictures are beautiful and I love the picture of the temple. What a neat gift.

  4. Congrats on the big 4! I love your hair on your wedding day! Great pictures!

  5. I had no idea it was your anniversary TODAY! Congrats to both you and John. I'm so happy you guys were at least able to get out and celebrate a little.

    I love your wedding pictures Nicole. We love you both!

  6. Congrats! Glad you guys had a chance to get out!! Dinner and a movie...that's our favorite date night! You look gorgeous in your wedding pictures!!

  7. Congrats I remember your reception so well what a fun night. You guys are amazing and such a great example to everyone.

  8. I was thinking about you guys last night. You two are the best couple - two spiritual powerhouses who are amazing as individuals and even better together. You guys are such a blessing in the lives of those who are privileged to call you friends. I was so sad to have missed your reception, but I'm so grateful that we've remained friends throughout the years. You have taught me so much, and are such great examples to me about faith. I love you guys! John, you've helped me see that there are genuinely good guys and Nicole, you are strong, humble, faithful and beautiful (inside and out). Truly, I've never met a better couple ever. I pray that I'll have a marriage like your's someday (hopefully sooner rather than later).

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Here's to many, many more happy years together. You guys deserve the best! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. PS: I love what you said about Temple Endowments. It truly is an amazing, amazing blessing. Thanks for being such a good example to the young women in your ward!

  10. Our whole family was blessed when you and John were married! As a family, we rejoice with you. I love you and John (and Isaac and Ruby, too, of course!).

    Love always,

  11. Happy 4th Anniversary! I love the pictures.
    What a neat experience you shared on the previous post. You made something that could have been boring into a spiritual awakening you are amazing. I agree that sometimes the things that require electricity can take over so what wonderful incite you have on it now

  12. Happy Anniversary! I still remember your wedding day and watching you dance your heart out with your AWESOME red high heels. It will forever be a memory! :) Congrats again!

  13. happy, happy anniversary! what a wonderful and thoughtful anniversary gift, it's beautiful!

  14. wow. What beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Happy Anniversary! What a great couple you are.

  16. You are the most beautiful bride. Happy Anniversary and I guarantee that you WILL have many, many more annivarsaries to come.

  17. happy 4 years! You two are beautiful. Im a fan of your blog. I don't know if you remember me, but we used to be in the same BYU ward like a gazillion years ago. anywho, Ruby is doll, your family is adorable and i learn alot from all your inspiring words!

  18. Happy anniversary; what a special day for you. John is so sweet...always surprising you, and thinking of the perfect gift. I love that picture, it is beautiful. You two have something very special, I remember feeling that from you, 3 years ago when I met you. Your words for, and about your husband are tender and so touching. Congratulations.

  19. Hey I just made my blog private. If you want to be able to read it email me at

  20. Oh Nicole, I realize you went to Utah and I was meaning to call you to go to the train park on Tuesday, but my week got so busy! I hope you have fun with your family. We'll have to go again when you get back.

  21. Congrats on 4 years. You are such a great couple, I love that we can stay in touch through our blogs.

  22. You guys are such an amazing couple! And you are so beautiful.

  23. I know I already commented on this post but I just wanted to tell you three that we love you a missed you last sunday when we were in town. We STILL need to do dinner!! PLEASE!?!?!
