Wednesday, May 21, 2008

mystery man...

I still can't believe I did this.

I raised the camera (gripped firmly in my trembling hand), high above the frenzied mob of star struck David fans, and (without the advantage of using the viewfinder), did my very best to line up the perfect shot...and... you can see, it was far from being perfect. How could I have been this close to David Archuletta , and have blown the perfect opportunity to capture the perfect shot? How could I have been so close, yet still so far away? I will never forgive myself for this photography blunder.

With only a 50mm lens affixed to my camera, I suppose I still managed to snag some OK shots...

My sisters and I followed David around the entire valley the day he was in town. It was fun to run, and scream, and laugh, and chase...and feel like a love sick teenager all over again. I can't wait for tonight's American Idol Finale. I am seriously such a big fan of his. He has the most unbelievable talent. Not to mention, he is extremely humble, and oh so lovable. Good luck tonight, David Archuletta...I'm rooting for you all the way.


  1. I'm watching it right now as I'm writing this. I loved Michael Johns too. I really do hope David Archuleta wins though. That is awesome you did that! How fun.

    Let's definitely get together to go to the train park again soon. I don't think it will be too hot, especially if we go in the morning like we have been. I wish I could go tomorrow or Friday, but I'm working (long story) both days. I still need to call you back to catch up on things!

  2. I think he'll win although I would buy David Cook's CD over his. That is so funny that you followed him around, what fun!

  3. A little sad about the results but David C is amazing as well.

  4. He's a cutie. That's cool you got to see him. Can you believe the other David won? Bummer.

  5. That is so funny! David A is definitely the "better David" for sure. It's a bummer he didn't win, but I'm glad he'll have a chance to finish high school and go on a mission. It's not as though he won't ever get a record deal later on in the future.

  6. We are HUGE Archelueta fans at our house!! We are still trying to recover from the oh so sad finale!!! Although I am so so glad that he had an amazing night Tuesday!! I am so jealous that you followed him around!! How fun! Way to live in the moment!!

  7. What a fun day! I'm jealous--I wanted to go, but didn't want to lug my kids around. I think you got great pictures. Bummer that he lost, but I'm sure he'll still have an amazing career!

  8. I love degressing to teen frenzies.

  9. I totally did the same thing at the Cannes Film Fest...I was such a celeb gawker!

  10. Some perspectives about the outcome:

    1) Since David A. came in second, he will not be locked into the Idol contract, and will be free (with his parents and a good agent) to negotiate something perhaps more conducive to his personal situation (and maybe more lucrative).
    2) He'll be unable to return to "regular life" at his high school or even in his neighborhood. They'll be moving, for sure, and soon.
    3) He won't wait until after high school or a mission to commence his career. The iron's hot now and he needs to strike!
    4) He'll probably never serve a regular fulltime mission. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for him (and disruptive for the mission in which he served) for his recognizable face to be seen and his presence known, considering his worldwide fame? Donny Osmond was unable to serve a mission for the same reasons, but has probably done more good for the Church than he ever could have done as a regular fulltime missionary. David will also be able to use his fame in positive ways for the Lord and His Church.

    Just my two-cents...

  11. haha, what a fun time you must've had, running around like a teen! that picture is hilarious... love it.
