Monday, July 30, 2007

sad, lonely, and depressed...

would be three good descriptive words to convey my feelings today. We enjoyed a most perfect weekend, with my most perfect family...and sadly, they had to leave this morning. You can see from the following picture, that Ruby wasn't too keen on having to say goodbye either...

All joking aside, I really do feel kind of empty inside. We had such a great time together (even if it was just for the weekend), shopping, eating, working off those bread sticks by running in our neighborhood - in the rain (that was great BTW), swimming, eating some more, watching movies, and just being together. John and I had spent the last 3 weeks or so just getting things ready for them to come, and anticipating their arrival; and now that their gone, I don't know what to do with myself. It was sad for me watching their little white van back out of our driveway... and then out of sight. Even though they just left, I already miss them, and seriously can't wait to see them again.(Christmas is too far off, we will definitely need to find a reason to get to Utah before that)! Thank you, my dear sweet family, it was such a joy and a pleasure having you!
Safe travels...we love you!

from left: Nicole, John, Erica, Ruby, Angie, Lynell, Dad


  1. Oh, that's the worst. You look forward to that for so long, then they leave (or you leave) and there's nothing to look forward to. Bummer.

  2. It is always hard to say good-bye. I have realized that there will be so many good-byes, but planning for the next visit makes it a little easier. I am glad that you had such a wonderful time.

  3. I totally understand how you feel! After living away from family for so long (6 years and counting), I decided to just allow myself one day of wallowing after everyone leaves. (Typically, I'm not as bummed when I'm the one leaving, but when people leave me it seems to be harder). The expected day of wallowing tends to help me get over it more quickly and not feel bummed for as long. Spreading out visits throughout the year also helps a ton!

  4. i'm sad i didn't get a chance to meet your family at church. i saw the back of all their heads, maybe next time i'll get to see their faces. i totally understand how you feel. we'll just have to plan something fun for you to look forward to!

    p.s. ruby has so much hair! i can't get over it!

  5. I envy you, Nicole -

    Seriously, you'd be surprised how many people would love to be in your shoes...

    Chin up - you have a great husband and an adorable baby, and many friends. You're a lucky gal!

  6. Nicole, i can't believe how big Ruby has gotten, she looks so much like a little girl!! She is beautiful!

  7. I had so much fun staying with you guys for the weekend! And I felt the same feelings you did. Staying with you and John just reminded me of the days when you guys lived here in Utah.But honestly even though we were only with you guys for a couple short days, I had so much fun!!!! You have such a beautiful house and you and John were so nice to let us stay there and take care of us! Thanks so much! I really hope you come up with an excuse to visit beofre Christmas! Thanks again for the perfect weekend! I love you!
    Love, Ang
