Friday, July 27, 2007

it broke my heart...

watching my baby get her shots yesterday. (She had to have five injections!) Surprisingly, she did really well...well, I guess for the first shot, at least. She started off pretty brave; in fact, she didn't even cry, or flinch for that matter. I thought Wow! This'll be a breeze, she can't even feel this. And then, upon receiving the second shot, she let out a small whimper. Sadly, with each new injection, things got progressively that by the time we got to the final shot, it was like pulling teeth to get her to hold still, (and then to calm down afterwards). (Actually, I would probably rather had my own teeth pulled, then have to witness my babe go through that again!)
As a reward for her bravery, I took her through the McDonald's drive thru, and treated her to a vanilla cone; and yes, disregarded the fact that she got ice cream all over everything...


  1. you are a brave mom to give ruby that in her car seat... i should really let my guard down with those kinds of things. i mean, it's not the end of the world if they get a little (or a lot) of sticky ice cream everywhere, right?

  2. Sounds like you have embraced my motto :) with the ice cream in the carseat.

    You are such a cute mom and I totally understand the pain you feel when your kids get hurt. I am usually emotionally tramatized for much longer than they actually hurt.

    I really didn't want our boys to be circumcized (because of the pain) and didn't even sign the papers...Paul had to do it all and I just waited in the waiting room and comforted them afterward.

  3. I totally cried when Gretta got her first shots. The thought of this perfect little being that had never ever been hurt before suddenly being deliberately hurt made me so sad. It did get a little easier for me the older she got though. I think it will always hurt a little to see your child in pain though.

    Ruby is absolutely devouring that ice cream! I love it! Hopefully that's the part of the day she remembers most.

  4. Sweet baby! She is so dang cute! Lovin' that icecream! I'm so sorry about her shots - I know how you feel - I used to be the one crying everytime JR had to go in for more shots!
