Tuesday, July 31, 2007

pure agony

there's no other way to describe it. For my family's sake, I'm glad that they left when they did. I know that sounds bad, but really they are much better off now, driving 10 hours a day for two weeks (they're on a road trip), than if they had stayed one extra day here...with us. Our air conditioning went out today. It was weird. I came in from my run, sweating like a beast (that's nothing new), and continued perspiring for about an hour afterwards (which again, is very typical); but to still be dripping sweat after my shower? That had never happened before. The house was just an oven! I decided to check the thermostat, and realized something was wrong when I saw that it registered at 87 degrees! The temperature continued to rise...into the 90's, so I took Ruby to the pool, to try and escape the misery. I never thought I'd ever be saying this (in August...in Arizona), but it actually felt kind of refreshing to walk outside. The pool felt nice too, but after 2 hours of swimming, we were getting pretty sick of it. Plus it too, was starting to feel pretty warm. You know the feeling you get when you've been in a hot tub for too long? You start to feel kind of sick and nauseous? Well, that's kind of how the pool water started to make me feel after a while. Plus Ruby was showing tired signs, and I knew I needed to get her back home for a nap. I put her down in only her diaper, and found myself wishing that I could have been as inadequately clothed myself. I came up with an idea to run my t-shirt under a cold faucet, and then put it back on. It did the trick for a little bit...I guess. But seriously, I can't think of many things worse than not having ac, in Arizona, in the dead of summer. I couldn't have been happier to see the repairman when he finally showed up, around 7:00 pm! I guess we needed a new thermostat...very easy (and expensive, but very worth the price) to replace. I hope that never, never has to happen again...because it was pure agony. On a happier note, I got some cute pictures of my little Ruby Lou at the pool...


  1. That sounds miserable! That's when you head to the mall, or call a friend, or head to any public air-conditioned building! At least the repairman was able to come during the same day even if it was at the end. Sleeping in heat like that would be impossible.

  2. Our air went out last August (I was prego with Charlie and way miserible). It was a Sunday but we were still able to get it fixed the same day.

  3. You know how miserable we were when our air went out. Luckily we were able to have everyone sleeping in our bedroom for a week! That stinks, glad it is fixed now.

  4. Oh i am so sorry that really sucks, to not have air when it is so stinking hot. I feel for you since we felt the Las Vegas heat before!! It is pure Agony!!!

  5. That must have been so miserable for you! Yikes! I can't imagine. Sometimes I whine because I am FREEZING all year long at work, but that doesn't compare to being in a house that is 90+ degrees!
