Monday, May 7, 2007


The only bad thing about taking a vacation (or in my case, going home), is knowing that sooner or later, it will come to an end...and then it's just back to the same ol' stuff. The gym. Cleaning the house. Grocery shopping. However, one good thing about having to go back to Arizona, was knowing that I'd be seeing John...I missed him like crazy. If it weren't for that, though, I honestly think I could have stayed in Utah another week, or two! This trip was seriously the best! Not only did I get to meet Kim's darling little Lincoln, but I was also able to meet (finally) Charlie (born Feb. 6th) and Brienna (Jan 3rd). Both of them are just so cute (they look a lot alike), and so sweet...! I was privileged to attend their baby blessings yesterday, and, felt the spirit in both. It was really good for me to be able to spend some time with John's family while I was there. The girls (Leigh, Amy, Karen, and I) were able to get together for Lunch over at Leigh's on Friday, and then on Saturday night, everyone went out to dinner. I feel so blessed to have married into such a wonderful family, and I can honestly say that I love them like my own.

Of course, I loved every minute spent with my own family, too! It was such a treat for me to have seen so much of Kim. She has grown up so much, and it was special for me to see her in action (as a mother)! Now that we both have children, I feel like we have an extra special relationship. We understand each other on a different level now. I think it will be so awesome when all my siblings have children, and we can have great family get togethers, and all the cousins can play...and be best friends.

Families are just the best! I love mine so much, and will be forever grateful to my dear husband John, for giving me the opportunity of spending the best week ever... with my family(s)!

Love you guys... and I really do miss you already!

me holding little Lincoln Barney

Ruby holding her very first Madame Alexander doll (a birthday gift from Grandma Judy)

Ruby with her cousin, Alisa

Aahh, now that, is adorable!


  1. We love and miss you, too! Thanks for coming; and thanks to John for arranging it for you.

  2. It was so awesome to have you here. Of course, I wish we could have spent even more time together but I guess I shouldn't get greedy. Thanks for coming to the blessing and open house. It was great to have you there! Love you!

  3. It was so fun having you here. Ruby has learned so many new tricks. I will never forget how excited Alisa was to see Ruby, and how Ruby wanted to race across the room with Alisa. The beginning of a forever cousin friendship!

  4. I'm so glad you had as much fun as you did. However, I have to say I'm glad your home!
