Wednesday, May 9, 2007

celebrating three years...

After reading Brooke's "anniversary" post, I felt inspired to put a wedding picture on my blog as well...and, it's especially fitting now, as John and I just celebrated our anniversary last night! (I just realized, however, that the scan is pretty much, well...crappy...and grainy. Oh well, you get the idea.) So, since I was in Utah over our Anniversary, John took me out to celebrate last night. We went to my favorite place, Bajio (which, I'm not even sure why I love it so much. I've only ever tried one menu item, the chicken green chili salad. It is pretty tasty though, and especially delightful with a coke. I don't know what it is about that dish, but I seriously always crave it)! Okay, so anyway, after we "fine dined" at Bajo, we went to Nordstrom (another one of my very favorite places)! We were invited to their Rewards Night, an exclusive shopping event for their most loyal customers. It was actually really fun to go, for once, as a customer, and not an employee. The atmosphere was fun (live band, hors d'oeuvres), a delightful ambiance... I felt bad for John though, because while I shopped the night away, he battled a very tired little Ruby. Not only that, but I know that shopping is not his favorite activity, and the fact that he sacrificed his softball games for a night at Nordstrom, says a lot about the kind of spouse that he is. Now that, to me, is what love is all about...making sacrifices for each other, looking out for one another's needs, being aware of each other's interests, always putting your spouse above yourself. John has it all figured out, and actually, has since the day we married...a realization that, for some, takes an entire life time.

So here are some images that represent our night of fun. You may be wondering why the fruit? Well, it's because that was actually the highlight of the night. We came home, put Ruby down, and enjoyed one of the most exquisite little treats I've ever tasted. They're called Island Way Sorbet ... a creamy (but low fat) sorbet, inside real fruit shells. If you've never tried one, I highly recommend you do. I promise, they will not disappoint...the presentation alone, makes it totally worth it. (side note: we found them at Costco)

Here we, with my Pineapple... and John, with his Coconut!


  1. Nicole you guys are so cute. It was fun to see you at little Charlie's blessing. I feel like I know you,even though I don't. BTW Ruby is so cute. She is even more beautiful in person. Happy 3rd to you and John!

  2. Love the wedding picture! You're hair is exactly how I wish now I had done mine! I'll have to try those sorbets! Looks yummy.
