Thursday, May 10, 2007

happy birthday paul david hewson...

otherwise known to the world as, Bono!

Click to hear music file

My man Bono is 47 today, and still as hot as ever! In honor of him, Ruby and I got all rigged out in our (product) red tees, and John took a picture for us. I'm a big supporter of (product) red, as well as Bono's one campaign. I've always been impressed with him as a person, not only for his inspiring music (which will always be my favorite), but also for his activism, and his humanitarian work. I love his philosophy, that one person really can make a difference...he's inspired me in more ways than that man!

Bono was recently on American Idol, when they did the Idol Gives Back (which I thought was super cool). Here's what he had to say in regards to the One Campaign...

I love what he says here ..."that's what it's all about (the one campaign)...people who you wouldn't expect to normally hang out together, hip hop people and soccer moms, punk rockers and church people...Irish Rock Stars on American Idol."

Happy Birthday Bono...We love you!


  1. I think that John is pretty amazing. Isn't he your "main man"?

  2. As you and I have talked before, I admire Bono very much. I believe he'll be one rich person who'll be alright when he meets his Savior.

  3. You and your little girl look so much a like alike, She is such a pretty girl! They do grow up so fast! Thanks so much for looking at our blog, it has been so much fun! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I put your bloglink on my page, if not that is totally fine, i know what your write on it, is very personal, so if you would rather not, then that is totaly fine with me! I love looking at yours, and seeing your family and what fun things you are up to! talk to you soon, we sure love and miss you guys too! I hope that you can make it out here, we would love to have you!
