Sunday, May 13, 2007

my mothers...

I can't celebrate mother's day without thinking about my dear sweet mother, nor without feeling a pang of sorrow because she's not here...

The other day, I found a treasure. Ruby completely ransacked one of my bookshelves, and before I could stop her, there were dozens of books scattered all over the floor. I picked each book up, and one by one, began placing them back on the shelf where they belonged. I found one - a small book, that had fallen out of it's sleeve. As I began to return it to it's cover, I noticed some writing on the front, inside page of the book. Out of curiosity, I again opened the book and noticed immediately...the writing inside, was that of my mother. My eyes welled with tears as I read her beautiful words, written to congratulate me for accomplishing one of my dreams...

The book is called A time for Love, and here is what she wrote:

You did it - You're a Student Body Officer! We're so proud of you. You hung in there through a lot of disappointments. That makes this victory taste all the sweeter. Life can be hard, but life can also be glorious - Shoot for the stars in all that you do. We've chosen this little book about love, because that's what will get you through the hard times...and it's also what will make the sweet times, even sweeter. As your parents, our advice to you is - to love passionately. Love your Heavenly Father and your Savior - Love your family and your friends - Love the stranger on the street - Love the world - The birds - The flowers - The oceans...Love it all, with all the passion of your soul...and you will have a rich and glorious life.
Mom and Dad
April 27, 2004

I'm so grateful that my mom taught me (through word and deed), not only the importance of love, but also how to love. She loved passionately...and with a pure, Christ like love, thus having a "rich and glorious life". I have tried to follow her example, to love, and to love passionately...

I am truly passionate about my role as a wife and mother, and am so grateful to be honored this day among some of the very greatest Mothers of all time...

Here's to you Mom, and Judy, and Lynell...I love you all! Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Nicole, This is a beautiful tribute to your sweet mother. Your life, the way you mother Ruby, the wonderful wife that you are, your love for the Savior, your love for your family, and your kindness to others are a reflection of your mother. You honor her in the way you live. I am blessed to be one of your mothers. I love you very much. Thank you.

  2. Very sweet Nicole. I tried to call you back but you were MIA. Let me know if you need something!

  3. Judy said it perfectly, so I echo her, except to say that I'm blessed to be your father! I love you.

  4. I love reading your tributes to your mother. I can tell that the two of you have a special relationship. I was thinking of you on Mother's Day and want you to know that I admire both your passion for life and your courage to learn through your trials. It seems to me that you have had more than your fair share of trials and yet you are never bitter but instead stronger. I think your ability to remember your mother and share her legacy with others is a blessing not only to those you share it with but also to your family (both the Pitts' and the Eagleston's). You are an amazing mother and I am sure that your mother looks down and smiles upon you as she watches you with little Ruby. It is so cute to watch you with Ruby because I can tell that even though she is small you two have a special friendship.
