Friday, May 4, 2007

i'm so grateful for...

my family.

Today marks the third anniversary of the most special event of my entire life...the day John took my hand, and together we knelt across the alter (in the Temple of the Lord). To each other, (and to the Lord), we made special covenants, and then, by one of God's anointed, and through His power, we were sealed together...for time and eternity. I love John. I love that he is my husband. I love that the last three years (with him), have been the best of my life...and I love to think and dream about what the future has in store for us. Happy Anniversary Sweetheart. (I miss you like crazy...see you in 3 days! PS. maybe we can hit Celtic Woman next year, eh?)

I musn't forget to make mention that our little Ruby is 11 months today! She is our joy, and our life, and our little Sunshine...
Happy 11 months, my special little one!


  1. Happy Anniversary! See you soon!

  2. Happy Anniversary Nic and John! Happy 11 mo. B-day Ruby! I love you all!

  3. I am glad that I could see both you and Ruby on this special day, even if it was just a few minutes. Happy Anniversary. I am thankful that you are so happy.

  4. I love you so much for the way you live your life, the joy I feel being with you, the memories that we share, and the family that we are.
    I love you Nicole!
    Happy Anniversay!
