Monday, February 21, 2011

family time

i love spending time with my family.
of course, i don't know anyone who doesn't.
it's just that, with everything john and i have had going on lately, we haven't had much time to spend together as a family.
much quality time, i should say.
today for fhe, we caught a matinée showing of gnomeo and juliet in 3d (very cute. and a miracle, i might add, that asher actually sat through the entire movie),
and then we headed home to roast hot dogs over a backyard fire.
it was the best.
we listened to music, laughed, sang songs, took silly pictures, and just relaxed.
ruby asked questions like why is the fire pointing up to the sky? and why is the fire so colorful? she had both of us stumped.
we gave her some pretty ridiculous answers like...well, that's just what fires do, and that's just how fires are.
man do i need to go back to school, or what?
it was nice to finally be able to take a deep breath, and just enjoy.
enjoy everything.
my family, my surroundings, and the simplicity of life (at least for today).


  1. What a lovely post! Thank you for posting it--brought a smile to my tired face :)

    Mary P.

  2. i get it, really.

    glad you finally had some time alone with your family. those kind of simple nights, are always my favorite.
