Monday, February 21, 2011

family prayer...

can be challenging down right impossible at our house.

please tell me we're not the only ones.

*note: asher did start out on his knees like the rest of us. he just has an extremely short attention span. and, fyi, before you deem my behavior blasphemous, i did wait until after the prayer to take these pictures.


  1. hahaha!!! This makes me laugh because I swear this is EXACTLY what family prayer looks like at our house! (:

  2. definitely not the only ones!

    last night conor was ramming his head into the wall over and over and growling like a dinosaur during our prayer.

    and emmi finished her prayer off with, 'please bless that the mommy and daddy will be nice and have a unicorn' (despicable me).

  3. This too makes me laugh! You are NOT alone. How about just asking a blessing on our meals?! That too can be a bit crazy for us.

  4. Oh man Nicole, these pictures just made me smile because that is exactly what it looks like at our house, too. Kaden is ALWAYS climbing on my back. Last night Beckham was thrashing around screaming because we took his toy away and I think Matt was about to fall asleep. I sometimes wonder what the point is, but we are planting a seed, right? I sure hope so ;)

  5. oh asher.

    our family prayers always begin with the girls fighting over who gets to say it. their tears and tantrums really brings the spirit to the family prayers.
