Sunday, September 19, 2010

cutest thing

Last weekend, as John was sending me off to Utah, he assured me that everything would be taken care of while I was away. Since the trip was a last minute surprise, I didn't have time to think of much else other than making sure I had my own bag packed, and that I was at least able to get a shower in for the day.
Despite his guarantees, I couldn't help but wonder how he would fare Sunday morning, having to get both kids ready for church on his own. When he told me that evening that he had actually curled Ruby's hair, I was in shock. Now throwing a headband in her recently washed, wet hair, or using a clip or two to pull her bangs back and out of her eyes, is one thing; but to hear that he actually picked up a curling iron (for the first time in his life), and in fact, put it to use, far surpassed my expectations. I was disappointed that he didn't at least take a picture of it.
Well, lucky for me, he repeated the whole process the next morning; and before taking the kids to our friend's house to be watched for the day, he took a few pictures. When I opened the files on my phone, I couldn't help but smile, smile and laugh, and feel grateful all over again again
for my loving husband who lives to make me happy,
who exceeds my expectations... a lot,
and who never ceases to amaze me.

How would I ever fare without him?


  1. i love it when bryce does the girls' hair. something about their daddy helping them get dolled up puts a smile on my face.

  2. That is so dang cute. Congrats I am so so so happy for you guys and baby #3.

  3. Hi. You don't know me, but we have several connections, and I've actually been following your blog for quite some time now. Well, since you've had Asher. Let me tell you quickly of our connections. I am Heather Brown Swanson's sister-in-law. She is married to my brother, Jarom, and her little sister is Lindsey. Also, I think you dated my bro-in-law, Brian Clegg, before you met your sweet husband. Now, just reading in your previous post, you said your dad is the new branch president of a singles branch. I think my father-in-law is in the presidency with him. Kinda crazy how small the world is.

    Reading your posts today, I just have to tell you how extremely excited I am that you are pregnant. I have a 5 year old little girl and we having been trying for almost 4 years to have another with no luck. So to hear of someone who has had the same troubles finally get a positive pregnancy tests absolutley thrills me. Reading your post to your baby made me cry! You seem to be a wonderful mom and person, so just like lil' Asher is lucky to be with you, so is this lil' baby. Good luck with this pregnancy. Hope it's ok to keep following your blog. Your family is adorable!

  4. I have been thinking that same thing about Kevin all night - "How would I fare without him?" After the news about Brother Riggs, who I saw well and happy on Sunday, I have just been thinking about how quickly life can change. Loves to our loved ones.
