Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I thought it was pretty cute when John took it upon himself to curl Ruby's hair while I was away. What I didn't think was cute, however, was when he took it upon himself to shave Asher's head; and this time I was not out of town, but right there in the same room getting ready for church. The funny thing, is that John didn't even say a word, he just sat Asher up on our bathroom counter, and started buzzing him. By the time I realized what what going on, it was a split second too late. John had already shaved a strip going right down the middle of Asher's head. I was appalled. I screamed. But it was too late...and at that point, there was nothing I could do but let him finish what he had started, and hold back the tears as I watched clumps of Asher's hair fall to the ground below. I have no idea what possessed John to do that, especially without my accordance and consent. Now, I still think Asher is the most adorable thing on the planet, it just took me a few days to get used to the change. I think John learned a very valuable lesson from all of this, which is - curling irons make me happy...clippers? not so much.


  1. Asher is so dang cute! With or without hair. But I'm the same way. I would not be happy if my hubby did that. They just don't get the whole hair thing. It is very important to us.

  2. That is hilarious. OK, only sort of, but still. Asher is such a cutie.

  3. Man, he just started getting all that hair......oh well at least it grows back! He is such a cutie that it doesn't really matter, but whoa that is an aggressive move that I would not appreciate either. I like to be the one doing the hair in our family :)!

  4. Cute, he looks all grown up w/ it short!
