Thursday, June 4, 2009

little did i know...

Little did I know, just days before delivering, that my world was about to change forever...
Little did I know that when they would hand me this perfect little being for the very first time, my heart would swell almost to the point of pain, my eyes would well with tears, and the love I would feel for my new little daughter would be intense and instantaneous.

Little did I know that this little angel would have the capability of enhancing, elevating, and beautifying, my already full and wonderful life.

Little did I know that the excitement elicited from her very first smile...

and her very first tooth...

and her very first baby step... ...would only intensify with her very first "Mama", and her very first "I love you", and the very first time she would pick a flower just for me.

Little did I know that someone so innocent and SMALL, would also possess the capability of being so mischievous...and adept at making some of the BIGGEST messes I would ever see.

Little did I know that this near stranger, this person who, for the first while - would be incapable of conversation, and almost completely helpless and dependant; in no time at all - would become one of my very best friends.

Little did I know how fast she would grow up - going from this...

to this... in just three short years.

Little did I know that these same three short years would be some of the most exciting - yet nerve-racking, wonderful - yet challenging, surprising, amazing, and rewarding years I would ever experience.

Happy 3rd Birthday, my love.


  1. I totally love your blog. I just came to check the blogs i stalk after tip toeing out of my sleeping 3 months old room, and marveling at how much she's grown already. then i come here and read about your beautiful 3 year old and how fast she's grown and seeing her cute pictures, and its made me so excited to see my little girl grow, and also a little sad at how fast its gone and will go. Its funny how reading your post just now has made me love my little brunette-going-blonde baby even more. And i didnt even know that was possible. Thanks for your beautiful posts. You're my favorite stranger to follow. :D

  2. What a great post Nicole.

    Okay, you were a BABE with your prego belly (you still are- but I'm in total awe of how awesome you looked 9 mos

    And check out all of that dark hair! I remember you telling me that Ruby had this head full of dark hair when she was born, but I had never actually seen a picture of it before. What a precious little newborn she was. And what a precious little sweetheart she still is now. Happy birthday Ruby!

  3. Was that first pic of you taken on BYU's campus?? The surroundings ring very familiar to me.

  4. celeste, you have a good eye. that pic was taken on byu's campus.

  5. Oh wow! Is she three already? I can completely relate to this post and am amazed on a regular basis by my two little friends.

  6. Happy (belated) birthday, Miss Ruby! I can't believe how different she looks now from when she was a newborn - all that dark hair! She's a little muffin.

  7. Cute post! Her hair then is quite a contrast to now! We love little Ruby! Happy Birthday!

  8. Your hair is a drastic change too, opposite of Ruby though!

  9. i'm crying.

    these little girls just don't stay little for very long, do they?

    i remember ruby as that little baby with her binky and her limited vocabulary. it makes me wish i could somehow hit the rewind button and go back to those days with my own little ava.

    happy birthday, ruby girl. we love you. you're growing up into such a beautiful little girl.

    great post, nicole.

  10. Nicole that was the sweetest thing I have ever read it made me cry, to think how fast kids really do grow up, and yes they really are the best times of our lives! Happy birthday Ruby!

  11. They grow up way too fast! She's so pretty but I can't believe how grown up she looks in that picture! Little Maddie is almost 2, it makes me so sad!

  12. MY GOSH!!! I still remember so much about your pregnancy, baby shower, and even how much I loved your choosing the name Ruby. Three years ago, huh? Happy Birthday, Ruby girl!!!

  13. happy birthday RUBY o feliz cumpleaƱos RUBY
    la verda amiga nuestros hijos crecen demasiado rapido y que gran bendicion que tenemos como madre de poder compartir con ellos sus cambios sus logros desde el primero cuando salen los diente o comienzan a caminar su sonrisa y el amor que nos brinda cada instante de nuestra vida
    la verdad que somos muy bendecida por la oportunidad de ser padres

    es una de mis grandes bendiciones que tengo hoy en dia la oportunidad de ver a nuestros hijos crecer que gran gozo trae en la vida
    amiga felicidades a vos tambien por esta oportunidad que tienes de ser madre y brindarle amor a tus hijos
    y tambien felicidades a john por la oportunidad que el tambien tiene de ser padre de unos hermosos hijos
    te quiero mucho amiga
    y que sigas disfrutando mucho de tu familia es lo mas hermoso que tenemos en la vida

  14. you were a cute cute pregnant lady.

    i can't believe all that hair ruby had as a baby. i remember you telling me about it a long time ago. i'm jealous... emmi had the old man hairdoo.

    ruby was such a delightfully chunky cute baby and has turned into a beautiful little girl. happy birthday ruby!

  15. Ruby is going to treasure this blog posts you write about her. You and John are such amazing people... Ruby and Asher are so blessed to have you for parents.

    I can't believe Ruby is already three-years-old. WOW! I remember when she was born, I had a picture of her on my fridge... I thought she looked just like daddy. Now, she looks just like mommy. HAPPY 3rd B-DAY to RUBY!

    Miss you guys in AZ.

  16. Hi there, I read your blog periodically and love your pictures, they come out so priceless! I was wondering what kind of camera you use.

  17. la cubanita...thank you for your comments about my photos. it's funny, because i still totaly feel like i have no idea what i'm doing...but i'm havng a lot of fun, even if i don't really know all the in's and out's.

    anyway, i have just a simple little canon's the xti.

  18. Happy Birthday to Ruby!

    Hey--my nephew just turned 3 on April 26th. Didn't realize they were so close in age! My niece just turned 1 too--and Asher will be 1--wow--crazy!

    Anyway--babbling! Hope it was a great day!!!

    Mary P.

  19. Okay first of all she was THE Cutest baby I have ever seen! And she has grown up fast. Happy Birthday Ruby :)

  20. I forgot she had that dark hair when she was born! I love her. It has been so fun to watch her grow.

    P.S. You looked a-mazing pregnant. :)

  21. She is so adorable! Happy Birthday Ruby!!!

  22. Beautiful pictures! Happy Birthday Ruby!
