Saturday, May 30, 2009


I took my nieces and nephew, along with Ruby and Asher, to the railroad park yesterday. The highlight was, no doubt - the train ride; and, more specifically, the tunnel at the very end. It's fun, and exciting, and fast, and dark, and the passengers just usually scream and make a lot of noise. Because it was too dark to see the kids' faces, I couldn't wait to see how these shots were going to turn out. Aren't these expressions just priceless? I am totally in love with these two photos...and, of course, with these two children.




  1. So cute. Love the expressions. Is it just me or is Ruby looking SO much more grown-up lately? She just looks different to me. Or maybe its just the new haircut.
    I love that Ruby.

  2. hahaha, that is GREAT!! Good idea, to get those pics!!

  3. Those are so awesome! Seriously. I can't stop looking at them. I love them.

  4. I LOVE Those!! I am getting nervous to take pictures for you, yours are always so good.

  5. whoa, that doesn't even look like ruby... she looks way older. their faces are great.

  6. Now that is a picture of true happiness!! I love them! We love going through tunnels and always say ahhhhhh all the way through and then at the end we say nuts! It always makes for a fun time!! (And free entertainment for the kids!!)

  7. Oh and one more thing while I was catching up on your always entertaining blog I read about Ruby watching The Little Princess, that is one of my all time favorite movies...still! I have yet to see the Shirley Temple one but I LOVE the remake one!

  8. I love pictures that are randomly awesome. You would never think they would really turn out, not set up, not good lighting blah blah. And then - Ooooh look at that. I love it. Don't get me wrong. I love pictures that are set up too. But candid and informal shots just bring out the most emotion, both in the subject and the viewer/photographer.

  9. Hey nicole, you don't know me and I guess I don't really know you. I was blog tracing last week and found yours. Your writing is truly beautiful as are your family and your photos, you are so talented. I was just wondering how you make your photos appear so big or what blog template you use.

  10. julie,
    thank you for all the compliments...made my day!

    i just use one of the traditional blogger templates, but i did go in to the edit html section and play around with the margins to make them smaller (i wanted more room in the body for my text...that was back when i used to write really really long posts...haha.) so once you've expanded the body of your template, you're ready for bigger pics. i just upload all of my photos to photobucket, and resize them there (i usually put the width at 500 for my vertical photos, and 600 or 650 for my horizontal ones). i then copy the html from photobucket, and paste it into my blog. hope that all made sense.

  11. It did make sense, thankyou for you time.

    Good Luck to you and your loved ones for the future and God Bless x
