Thursday, April 23, 2009

happy birthday, d


Little Dix is a year old today...and celebrate, we did - and will continue into the evening, I'm sure. This morning we all sang to him, and then Ruby gave him a doggie treat for no reason...other than just because he's the birthday boy.(Usually the treats are reserved as rewards for doing something good, or right...or as bribery, of course.) We also gave him a nice bath, shampoo, blow dry, and style. Although I doubt that he loved being pampered in that way as much as...say, I do. Oh well, he stunk; and no one is allowed to stink on their birthday. So after his spa treatment, we took him to Petsmart to pick out a toy. We grabbed him some more treats, two mini tennis balls, and a purple rubber bull that squeaks. Next we stopped at the party store, picked up some party hats, and headed to the park for playgroup. He had to have known that something was special and different about today, because we hardly ever let him come out with us...and especially not for playgroup. At the park, I let him off his leash to run, and roam, and just be free for a while. That's his favorite thing ever; and unfortunately, he doesn't get the opportunity much because our yard is so small. Ruby passed out the party hats to all of her friends, and several people asked who's birthday it was. It was a tad bit embarrassing to admit that it was just the dog's. You know what though? It's solely because of him that Ruby was able to conquer, and overcome her fear of dogs after the incident of last year. So to me, he deserves all the extra fluff, and attention, and praise, and honor. Today, he's my little hero.

Photobucket Photobucket

Happy 1st Birthday, sweet little Dix-D.


  1. That black and white picture is SO adorable. What a cute (and lucky) dog he is! You guys are great.

  2. nicole you crack me up...

    you are such a good mom AND dog mom.

    maybe i need to send teppei over to your house, he hasn't had a bath since last year.

  3. Happy Birthday Dix-D! I can totally relate! I put candles in a hot dog once and had a "hot-dog cake" for Lacy's birthday!

  4. I love the B&W picture....and it was fun to help you celebrate his birthday today! Happy Birthday Dix-D!

  5. happy b-day dix-d!

    ava wore her hat all day long. literally. she even slept with it during her nap.

    and thanks again for yesterday, it was nice to be able to put em down, otherwise ava would've missed out on all the fun.

  6. hey nic, how fun, lucky little dix, i'm so glad you guys got him. Thanks for commenting on all my posts, i hate to admit it but it makes me way happy, i guess everyone loves a little attention. sad! can't wait to be seeing you soon. loves

  7. Ha ha! He looks pretty miserable in that hat! Oh, he's a cutie! I'm so glad you hit upon the idea of getting a sweet little puppy to help Ruby overcome her fear.
