Friday, January 23, 2009

the story behind the dress...


So, in case you haven't noticed, my last few posts have included pictures of Ruby in a wedding dress. I thought the story behind this dress was pretty that definitely merits it's very own post. So, because my baby loves anything poufy, and frilly, and lacy...and well, anything at all girly, I'm always on the look out for things to add to her dress-up box. I found this little white wedding dress at the goodwill a couple of weeks before Christmas, and although it was a little torn and ragged looking, I could absolutely see it's potential. Plus it was still very white...(if it had been stained or soiled in any way...on the rack it would have remained.) I brought it home, and began fixing it up with my most reliable sewing machine. After it was finished, I felt like it still needed something. So off to the fabric store I ran, picked up some tulle, a headband, a little lace trim...and then whipped up a veil to accent the dress. This little combo, I knew, would be one of her favorite Christmas just had to be. Well, I guess amidst the excitement of the holiday, coupled with all the other irresistible gifts she received...the poor wedding dress, and veil, took the back seat. I finally coerced her into at least trying it on, and was totally disappointed. Not only was it way too big, practically exposing her entire chest...but it was also completely sheer. I just hadn't envisioned being able to see her legs through all those layers of tulle. (Totally one of those things that looks so much cuter on the rack than it does on - which could also be said about most my wardrobe - which is why I'm starting my new workout program on Monday.)
Anyway, once we got back to Arizona, I was determined to make this dress into precisely what I had imagined, before she ruined my vision by actually trying it on. I promised her that I would make it look like Giselle's wedding dress (she's obsessed with the movie Enchanted), which she couldn't wait for. Together we went to the store and picked out some beautiful satin for the lining, and also to make a bow in the back, and purchased 5 yards of tulle, which we would double, making it 10. She was almost as excited as I was, which is why she forced herself to sleep when I told her that her dress would be ready when she woke up. During her nap, I began cutting, and measuring, and stitching, and mending...then picking, and unstitching...and fixing, and adjusting...until it was finally finished! My Ruby was just moments away from entering the world of Princess Giselle...only one problem...she was still asleep. Now I'm not in the habit of waking my children from their peaceful, and much needed slumbers, but I couldn't stand it...I was far too excited to wait even just one more minute. So I quietly crept into the room, dress in hand, over to the edge of the bed, and lightly began the process of waking her. She was immediately roused into action the moment she caught glimpse of her Giselle dress, and begged me to let her try it on. Of course, and for obvious reasons, she didn't have to twist my arm at all. In fact, I was practically throwing her into it before she could say a word. Once it was on, she began laughing and twirling and smiling...finally, the reaction I had been hoping for. I asked her if she would like to see herself in the mirror, of course, she was dying to make sure she looked as exquisite as she felt. I was completely shocked, however, and totally did not see this coming at all, but the moment she caught glimpse of her reflection, she burst into tears...yep, full blown, uncontrollable bewailing sobs. Sad. Sad for me, not for her. She then ran over, threw herself onto the bed, and immediately fell into another deep dormancy... No need to worry though, as soon as she woke up, she was in love all over again, and actually lived in the dress for a few days, which is how I was able to snag so many pictures of her wearing it.

These were taken just moments following her strange little melt down...


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  1. i love that story.

    and props to you for fixing that dress up... you did an amazing job. i did not know you were such a talented seamstress!

    it was fun to see you last week. thanks for letting emmi wear the pink dress... she was one happy little princess.

  2. Such a cute story! I'm impressed by all of your alterations. It's so sweet!

  3. Adorable story! What a darling mommy for such a darling princess! Ha ha! I laughed about the meltdown, because, as the dad of five daughters, I never was able to figure out female mood swings (I still haven't!:-) Give "little Giselle" a hug and kiss from Grandpa, okay?

  4. I love the dress, Ella would love something like that. I have meant to make her a veil with all the tulle I have lying around but haven't....I really should!

  5. You are oh sooo very talented! Love, love, love the dress! =)
