Saturday, January 24, 2009

99.9 % of the time...

she's a really great sister.


But every once in a while, like just about 10 minutes ago, we have a small episode. She's currently in time out for slapping Asher on the top of the head.

And the other day...I couldn't believe what she did to him. They were both sitting on my bed watching their favorite Charlie and Lola, and I was on the computer in the very same room. Because the bed was behind me, I had to turn around periodically to make sure they were doing ok. Each time I turned to check, I found them both completely enthralled in the program. Several minutes had passed, in which I didn't hear so much as a peep from either of them, so I turned to ensure they were both still happy and well; when instead I found Asher, who had previously been lying in the middle of the bed, missing in action. I totally panicked. Ruby, where's your brother!?! No answer. RUBY, WHAT HAPPENED TO ASHER?!?! And with her eyes still glued to the TV, she nonchalantly answers, "oh, he falled off". Then, just as apathetically, she points to the floor on her side of the bed(eyes still glued to the program). I ran to where Ruby had been pointing on the other side of the bed, only to find my baby face a pile of pillows. Thank goodness I hadn't yet made my bed for the day, because all those toss pillows were paramount in cushioning his fall. I picked him up, expecting to find him seriously injured, or worse...but instead came face to face with the happiest, smiliest Asher I ever seen. Even though this potentially scary incident turned out to be quite humorous, I still had to question how he "falled off the bed". He can roll, but not that much at one time. (He would have had to roll from his back to his tummy, and then tummy to back several times to have made it to the edge of the bed.) After drilling Ruby for a few minutes, she finally admitted to having pushed him off.

It's really a miracle that these precious (and extremely fragile) little ones, survive the antics of their older, toddler siblings. Thankfully, my babies are under the watchful eye of someone so much larger than I...and for that, I am eternally indebted.


  1. Oh Ruby Tues. :) Seriously Sister Eagleston I absoluteliy love you! I love having you in Young Womens you are such an example to me! And I love your little comments you leave on my blog ha. I learn sooo much from you and also your posts! Whats funny is I can actually picture this entire scene being played out. I can imagine the way Ruby looks while she is saying he falled off ha. You are an amazing mom! I hope I can be a mix of my mom and you!

  2. Poor little Asher. It is pretty amazing what babies put up with. They are both so stinking cute

  3. soon enough asher will be able to pick on ruby and that creates a whole new level of antics :)

  4. Alex likes to do those things to Macy too. One of her favorites is pulling Macy around by her leg. Just sisterly love...

  5. im trying not to laugh.... that little stinker!

  6. She is too funny. Isn't it amazing that younger sibilings survive at all??? I can't believe my little guy is still alive!(:

  7. HALLELUJAH you didn't make the bed. i would have freaked out.

    glad he enjoyed his free fall off the bed. must have been one fun push!

  8. They really are so resiliant(sp?) and it's a good thing they don't remember anything!

  9. oh gosh. that sort of thing happens all the time at our house... well, not emaline "falling" off the bed but lots of, ava admitting to hitting, squishing, and pinching poor emaline. ahh, the things younger siblings put up with. i guess they'll get their revenge in the later years, right?

  10. Good thing those pillows were there, I bet Asher was smiling because he thought he was on his own mini amusement ride! Too funny.

  11. OH....scary! So glad little guy is ok... JR just had a smiliar episode with BB... you would think by four you would safe... nope nope... how grateful we are for guardian angels! =)

  12. OH....scary! So glad little guy is ok... JR just had a smiliar episode with BB... you would think by four you would safe... nope nope... how grateful we are for guardian angels! =)
