Friday, January 30, 2009

like mother, like daughter...

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I have to laugh every time Ruby comes out of her room from trying to dress (or undress) herself...not just because she looks so funny, gets so frustrated, or thinks she's queen of the world, but also because she reminds me so much of myself when I was her age...

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In fact, little miss Ruby also sees the resemblance. When I first showed her these photos, and asked her if she knew who that little girl was, she said "That's me, thats Ruby!".

At least she's a little more modest than I was..haha.


  1. That's great!! What a resemblance!

    Mary P.

  2. You're going to get me arrested for being one of the parents of the child in those pictures! You can't take those kind of cute, little naked pics anymore.

  3. You guys look so much alike! So cute!

  4. haha! that is hilarious!

    how fun that you can see yourself in her.

    it was so fun to hang out with the 'ladies' last night! i miss you guys. i don't get to see you enough!

  5. nicole que foto jajaja no que hacia desnudo jejeejejeje
    esta muy linda ruby y que hermosos recuerdo de la niƱez te quiero mucho amiga

  6. That is so funny. It is really weird how much you guys look alike. I'm sorry I haven't called you back. I've just had a rough few days. Be expecting my call sometime tomorrow.

  7. Wow! There's a huge resemblance! I love the 'towel on the head' pics!

  8. SO cute! Ruby really does look so much like you!!

  9. I really cannot believe you and Ruby looked so much alike as little girls! I love looking at old childhood pics like that.

  10. Oh.... such cute posts... I love catching up all your posts. Your kids are sooooo darn cute! And how much little Ruby looks just like you! What a sweet little girl she is! I just tried to leave a comment down below... and it gave me another error message?? Don't know?? Anyhow...we really really should do a switch for temple night... I am going to talk to Dal about it. See what night works best for you and John and lets plan it! =)

  11. that second picture of rubes is my favorite... cute.
