Thursday, January 29, 2009

every thursday...

Ruby and I look forward to playgroup. It's nothing fancy. Not very structured. But it's an opportunity for us to get out and socialize with our friends. Sometimes we host it at our house. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, we broke out the dress-up box, and had about 5 or 6 princesses running around our house. Today we went to a local park. The kids played for three hours, totally entertaining themselves, which was a wonderful opportunity for us moms to catch up. I am so grateful for the friendships that I've been able to develop the short time I've lived here. Some of these little ladies I feel like I've known (and been friends with) forever.

Ruby is also grateful for her friends. Every Thursday morning when I remind her it's playgroup, she says "YAY! I get to see my friends!" and then starts naming them one by one. She's especially fond of this little girly...

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  1. cute pictures.

    i wish i could have made it today!

  2. Those pics are great. You can tell that they love each other.

  3. You should have told me it was at the park, I totally would have come!
