Wednesday, September 17, 2008

must be losing my mind...

Last night John and I took the kids out and went to a few stores. I had been itching to get out all day, but wasn't able to, as it was just one of those know, the kind where it's all you can do to just stay above the water (or the heaps of toys, and mounds of laundry), the kids are crying and upset, you feel like you live in a pigsty, and the day is 3/4 over...but you're still in your pj's? Luckily I managed to pull myself (and my home, and my kids) together just minutes before my husband walked in the door from the appearance that I just have this whole homemaker, wife, and mother-of-two thing completely under control. Ha.

So, while we were out last night, we stopped into Babies-R-Us to pick up a sleep positioner for Asher. We had been told that allowing your baby to sleep at an incline, will help eliminate some of the harsh effects of acid reflux. We ended up finding something that seemed worth trying, but as it turned out - go figure - he was way too big for it. It was actually quite humorous watching him lie in it...his body spilling out over each end and both sides. Well, needless to say, the thing didn't quite work out, so this morning I loaded the kids in the car, and we headed out to make the "quick" exchange. This is where the fun begins. The store is a good 20-25 minutes away from our house, and it wasn't until we got all the way out there, and parked the car, that I realized I had left the sleep positioner at home! The kids were behaving so well that I found no harm in heading back home to grab it, and then returning to the store. By the time we made it back though, we had spent over an hour in the car...and both kids were sound asleep. I hung out in the parking lot a little while to allow Ruby some additional napping time (wasn't as concerned about Asher...he'll sleep anywhere in that portable bed of his). While I waited, I picked up a diet coke (seems to make everything better), and relished every sip.
That is...until Ruby wakes in a panic, holding herself, and declaring that she needs to go potty. (Yes, I never blogged about it, but Ruby is potty trained, and has been for about two months now.) So I throw open the trunk, grab the double stroller, toss both kids inside, and run like my life depends on it to the restroom. Poor Ruby - bless her little heart, didn't quite make it. I had to strip her down to nothing and steal Asher's blanket to wrap around her until we could get her something to wear. We found a pack of princess panties - which she was thrilled about, a skirt from the clearance rounder, and then exchanged Asher's sleep wedge for something that appeared to be more functional.
I decided after we left, to make a quick stop at Wal-Mart, which happened to share a parking lot with Babies-R-Us. I knew exactly what I needed so we rushed around the store gathering our items, and then headed for home. The whole way home, Ruby tells me that she has to go potty again. I asked her if she could hold it until we got home (at that point we were pretty close, and I just wasn't feeling up for another stop). She said okay, but when we finally got home, and I was finally able to get her to the potty...we were just seconds too late. Once again, poor Ruby - bless her little heart (and poor, poor momma...bless her heart, too). It wasn't until I got her all cleaned up, and began putting away all of our stuff from the day, that it occurred to me that I had left the Wal-Mart Wal-Mart. Oh boy.
So once again, I load both kids in the car, and we head out to retrieve our abandoned items...knowing that the whole trip will cost us another 45 minutes.
We made it home safe and sound, and before the heavy traffic hit, which was a good sign; but my sanity still hadn't returned to me by that point; because...when we pulled up to the house (for the 3rd and final time), the garage door opener wouldn't work (I guess it had reached it's quota for the day), so I unloaded everything out in the driveway and unlocked the front door so that we could enter the house that way. I took Asher in first thing, and handed Ruby my diet coke to take in while I went back out to retrieve the rest of our loot. I couldn't have been out there more than 30 seconds, and Ruby had managed to spill the entire soda all over the carpet, and all over Asher's infant carrier. I don't even want to think about how the large droplets of coke appeared all over his face...but I have my suspicions.
It was all I could do to keep my cool at this point. And thankfully, I did keep my cool...barely.
When John came home from work (close to two hours later), he handed me my keys which were still dangling from the outside lock of the front door...

yep - totally losing my mind. I guess though, since it's primarily because of these two...

I can't complain. They make it all worth while :)


  1. Oh my gosh, Nicole, that is hilarious! It makes me feel so much better for all my forgetfulness. I swear I run back into the house at LEAST once (usually more) before we actually make it down the driveway. And I'm impressed you actually headed back and forth so much -- I would have given up! Given up and gotten a second Diet Pepsi (sorry, I'm a Pepsi girl).

    I love the kiddies matching binkies!

  2. Nicole Sounds like you and I had a very similar day yesterday. I came home and posted around 1:00 and I should have waited because it only got worse from there. As for the incline to help with the reflux the sleep positioners never worked for Boston he would always wdege his way out so we inclined the matress and that helped. so if the positioner doesn't work give that a try and better luck today.

  3. What a day, gotta love those. I have to say it seems like those days happen more frequently than the days you feel you have it all together. Way to go Ruby on getting potty trained. I know how you feel about the accidents we have had a few of those ourselves. Blankets always come in handy. I for sure would have given up because I know that I would have lost my mind.

  4. That is too funny. I can relate, I do stuff like that all too often. Congrats on the potty training!

  5. ufffff good to know I am not alone in this!! but like you say they make all worth while....jajajajaj

  6. Oh my goodness! As I read this post, I couldn't help but think that your mother is somewhere laughing and crying at the same time! Good job on keeping your cool through a whole lot of frustration! What a great mommy! I love you!

  7. Hoot mon, Lassie! I think you deserve a sweet rendition of Amazing Grace on me bagpipes!

  8. It was "just one of those days". Wait until you get to three kids . . .

  9. It is pretty tough learning to juggle two kids...things like this happened to me all the time! I think that all moms can relate to this! It does help to realize that no matter how crazy your day is going that you are not the only one somehow!

  10. que lindas esperencias son estas las que tenemos como madre esposa y sobre todo que nos preocupamos para que nuestro esposos cuando llegue del trabajo encuentre todo en orden y nosotras pasamos las llamas en lo posible con mucha calma esas esperiencias nos ayuda a superarnos y a que nuestra vidas no sean tan monotonas
    sienpre tenemos que esforzarnos por pasaslas con buen humor y calma te quiero mucho amiga y te comprendo cuan complicado es salir con tus dos hijos dicen que es cuestion de tiempo no lo se aun me cuesta a mi jajajajaja
    fuerza y el buen animo no olvides de que este siempre primero asi pasa rapido
    ethel carola aredes tapia

  11. Oh, Nicole. That's one of those days where I would have not put a thing away (unless it would spoil), not clean anything, bake something with chocolate in it, grab another Diet Coke and call it a day. Your writing really just made me experience the whole story AMAZINGLY well, btw. I love it! And who wouldn't enjoy some nice new princess panties? I know I would.

  12. I love to hear that other people have days like this also! I'm sorry you had to go through that but thanks for sharing it!

  13. I'm so sorry you are "losing your mind", but I am glad to hear I'm not the only one that has days like that! We mothers of 2-or-more have to stick together! (: Hang in there---it gets easier.

  14. What is it about having babies and forgetfulness? I do that sort of stuff all of the time....but, I don't know that I would have made it out there 3 times! I would've probably given up at 1 trip! My mind will be completely gone in about 5 days.....yipee!

    Thanks for the invite today....wish I would've gotten the message before I packed up the kids for the museum! People looked at me like I was crazy and like my stomach was going to explode any minute! Maybe in a few weeks we'll be ready for one of those get-togethers!

  15. That is the sweetest/funniest story! Made my day! I love that they really were so good! And brave you for potty least she told you she needed to go, right?

    Mary P.

  16. So sorry you had one of THOSE days. They are the worst. You handled a day like that waaaay better than I do! But its so true, our kids do make it all worth it.

  17. Oh I just love days like that! You seriously think you are going to loose your mind!! I have had days similar to that myself. I think you are adjusting very well to two kids. You are a wonderful mom. Take care and congratulations again.

  18. It does me so much good to hear a post like that! Keeping your cool is the key! I'm so impressed!!

  19. oh gosh.

    what a day. i had no idea.

    pat yourself on your back, you handled everything way, way better than i would've.
