Tuesday, September 9, 2008

feeling so blessed...

Little two week old Asher was hospitalized this past weekend. He was diagnosed with an ear infection in each ear, caused by - get this - acid reflux. Because he is so young (too young to have any type of infection at all), the doctors were concerned about the possibility of the bacteria spreading into his bloodstream, spinal column, or brain. To rule out Meningitis (which was a huge concern), they took samples of his blood, urine, and lumbar fluid. Each was cultured over the course of a few days, and then tested for bacteria. They kept us in the hospital while they waited for the test results to come back - which, thankfully, were all negative. During the four days that we were there, they also had him on two antibiotics administered through an IV. It made me so sad to see him be poked and prodded so many times, but he handled everything so well. He slept almost the entire time we were there, which I was so grateful for, as it indicated to me that he probably wasn't in a great deal of pain.
Just after we were discharged, we went to the records department to obtain copies of Asher's medical charts. While we were waiting, a man entered the lobby area and began making small talk with Ruby and me. I watched the man as he admiringly watched our new family of four. As we finally acquired what we needed, and began gathering our things to leave, the man said to us with a smile "you really are blessed, aren't you?". His words resonated in my heart and soul the remainder of that day; and, in fact, have still remained with me.
When bad things happen to us, it seems to be in our nature to focus on the negative, the scary, the unknown...
Amist all the "bad", we often times fail to think of all the "good" that surrounds us. We forget how blessed we truly are. No, it wasn't fun seeing Asher in that hospital bed with an IV poking out of his tiny little arm. But at least, overall he's a happy, healthy baby. And at least he was well cared for by the doctors and nurses. And at least he didn't end up having meningitis. And at least he's feeling better...and he'll be okay...and we got to take him home...and he's our little pride and joy. I really have a lot to thank my Heavenly Father for. That man at the hospital was right...we really are blessed.

A few photos from the hospital...


  1. Geeze... FOUR days? That's a LOT of hospital food for you! We had a similar experience with our tiny man a few weeks ago, but they discharged us after only a few hours. Maybe because he was older than a tender little two weeks! Well, we're glad he's OK. I totally know what you mean about having to watch them get poked and prodded! We had to have a special Pediatric ICU nurse come and draw his blood (after an unsuccessful draw) so I felt bad that he had to get stuck so many times. BUT, I also know what you mean about being blessed! Mike's dad was visiting at the time, so we were able to have both of them give him a blessing before we left for the hospital. It truly brought such peace.

    When did Ruby get so blond?

  2. OH Nicole & John, I am so sorry to hear you poor little guy was so sick, that really is the worst thing, when you baby's get sick and you can't do anything to help them out. I am so glad he is feeling better, and he is home with his mom and dad now! You guys really are blessed. Thank you so much for your words. We love you guys so much, you will always have such a special place in our hearts!

  3. Sarah told me last night that you guys were finally home. I'm so glad you were able to finally go home. I had no clue that acid reflux could cause ear infections! Wow. Poor Asher.

    Your positive attitude is so amazing and inspiring, Nicole. Please, please, please like I've said a million times, don't ever hesitate to call me. I would love to help you out in any way possible. We love you guys.

  4. I am so glad that you guys are home. Good luck with the reflux Boston had that pretty bad but don't worry it does get better just keep a million burp rags in that diaper bag becasue you will need them.

  5. I'm glad he is okay and that you are back home. What a wonderful blessing.

  6. Asher was part of our family fast this past weekend (which had been planned for a different family concern, but we were able to fast for both purposes). I know we, as Asher's extended family, are greatly blessed, too, and that the Lord heard our pleas for him this weekend. I love you.

  7. So glad he is ok! He is so cute. Thanks for the reminder about being grateful during adversity. I needed it!

  8. Poor little thing. Glad he's doing better and that everything turned out okay. Nicole, I love that first picture of you holding him in the hospital. It is so sweet and tender.

  9. We're sure glad he's ok and home now! He's such a sweetie! Can't wait to see him again!

  10. amiga cada prueba que te pone el señor de seguro que te esta prepando para un proposito de el .
    estoy segura de que tu peño ASHER se recupero tan milagrosamente es el amor que sintio de su madre Nicole y su padre John Y SU hermana mayor Ruby y las oraciones de fe de sus abuelos y tios
    el amor que damos a las personas es una herramienta que tiene nuestro Padre Celestial para que se obren milagro

  11. Thanks for yor positive attitude. I've learned that what ever happens to us in life there is always good news even in the worst situations. We just have to look for it. I am grateful that Asher is doing fine. He is such a precious baby. Love ya.

  12. He is so precious and I am glad you guys are home now!

  13. I'm so sorry that you guys had to spend four days in the hospital. That is no fun. It is SO good to hear that is is okay. If you guys need anything at all, please let us know!!

  14. So sad to watch kids in hospitals. It makes my insides cringe to think of him having to be poked and have IVs!! So glad all is well! Sorry you guys had to go through that! Thanks for the reminder to always remember we are truly blessed!!

  15. Nicole (and John)...I just love you. I am so happy for your cute little family. Ruby and Asher are so lucky to have such wonderful parents. I wish you were my parents.

  16. Hi Nicole- I haven't met you, but hopefully someday. You sounds like a kindred spirit and what from what I've read, I love you already. John and I are friends from high school and I just got a forwarded email from my little brother about your new baby Asher! Congratulations!!! I'm so glad he's home with you again and healthy. Good luck with your cute, perfect little family. I hope you don't mind me dropping in on your blog. Hi to John too!

  17. What gorgeous pictures! I'm so glad he's out of the hospital!

  18. so very blessed indeed.

    love you guys.
