Saturday, July 5, 2008

our all-american day...

I love the 4th of July and everything it represents for our country. I feel so blessed to live in such a choice land - full of opportunity, privileges, and countless freedoms. I often wonder what I ever did to be able to claim this - the promised land - the place of my birth...especially when I think about how many people are trying to get here, and what they will, and have sacrificed, just to get a chance. It's humbling...and my heart is filled with gratitude.
Not only do I love this particular holiday for the aforementioned reasons, but I also love the secular traditions that surround this day. I love how our activities, and even our food are so reminiscent of feel-good americana.

Here's just an outline of our day. If you ask me, it really doesn't get much more all-american than this.
7:30-9:00 ward breakfast...pancakes, bacon, watermelon, and OJ
10:00-12:30 was wonderful, we had the pool completely to ourselves :)
12:30-2:00 lunch at Johnny Rockets...cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings, cokes, and strawberry milk shakes
2:00-4:00 home for naps
5:00-8:00 BBQ with family...all the usual bbq stuff...hamburgers, hot dogs, fruit, chips, pasta salad, 7 layer dip, strawberry lemonade, and homemade ice cream
8:30-10:00 fireworks at the community college

Ruby and John enjoying the fireworks

I just realized, and had to laugh, at how much of this holiday (and all holidays) really is centered around food. And this year was no we literally ate half the day away!
Watching the fireworks this year was so much more bearable than last year, mainly because of the difference in climate. Last year I was dripping sweat at 10:00 at night because it was still 108 degrees! This year, it was a perfect 95 degrees, with a beautiful breeze. It's amazing to me at what a difference just 13 degrees can make. It was so much more enjoyable.

In retrospect, I guess the only thing that would have culminated our all-american experience, would have been hitting up a diamondback's ball game. Oh well, you just can't do it all. As it was, at the end of the day, we were completely wiped one can tell from this photo...

Ruby and momma relaxin' during the fireworks


  1. Sadly, we know all too well the difference 13 degrees can make, but we're clear at the other end of the spectrum! Mid-January, the difference between -5 and +8 degrees can sometimes feel like the difference between coat and swimsuit weather!

    Great night photos! Those are tough!

  2. What a fun day. We have had a super fun couple of days...So jam-packed full of activities that I am pretty sure my boys are going to take a week to recover (they were at breaking point tonight). BTW, I got the cd's you sent...Thank you and as soon as I jump back into the blogging world I'll get some stuff posted.

  3. I too feel so grateful and wonder how I was so lucky to be born here!

    We love the fireworks and food!! Whenever we watch fireworks we always say things like the next firework is how our next year will be, this is how our holidays will be, etc...hoping it's not a dud!! Always makes for an interesting firework show!

  4. sounds like you had a great fourth of july! i, too love celebrating all holidays with food... yum!

  5. We really are so very fortunate to live in America. I'm glad to have been given the chance to live in another country - not only does it make me appreciate America more, but appreciate other cultures too.

    Isn't the 4th of July just soooo fun? It's gotta be one of my top three favorite holidays ever!

    Glad you guys had so much fun - great pics! I'll have to post July 4th pics on my blog, too.
