Thursday, July 3, 2008

rediscovering the world...

Ruby showing John the moon

I love spending time with my little Ruby. She is at an age where she is really starting to discover the world around her. She is constantly pointing out her surroundings. It's especially fun now that she's talking so much, because she points to something and then in the most excited little tone, she tells us what it is. I'm surprised by how much she knows, without having taught her myself. I especially love taking her outside. She is so observant and so fascinated with nature and wildlife. She notices the trees and the flowers, the birds and the sun. She even loves and appreciates being caught in the rain. The other day we were out and about, when it just completely started pouring down on us. I'll have to admit, I was a little put out by it, but not Ruby. She raised her hands high above her head and declared "water! momma! water!", with one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen. Being with her makes me realize how truly grateful I am for our surroundings, and to live in such a beautiful world. Too often I go about my business without even giving a thought to all the wonderments around me. Too often I take them for granted and forget to stop for a moment to enjoy, and to be thankful. I'm grateful to my little Ruby for teaching me to slow down, to notice, to appreciate, to relish...
Because when I do, I am overwhelmed with the love of my Savior, and with gratitude for Him for creating something so beautiful...for me. How anyone could behold so many breathtaking colors dispersed across the sky with the rising and falling of the sun, or observe as the powerful ocean waves crash upon the shoreline, or study the moon and the stars and how they light up the night's sky, or examine the vein-like patterns and spirals and details contained in one single petal of one single flower, or regard a bird building a nest, or a spider it's web, or lie in the grass under a giant shade tree... and not feel gratitude in their hearts is beyond me. And how anyone could behold these things, and not believe in God, baffles my mind. For I have always loved the words of Alma to the antichrist, Korihor, who - when Korihor asked him to send him a sign of God's existence - responded "...all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and it's motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator."
I'm glad that I have a two year old who is just now discovering the world; because it gives me a chance to discover it all over again...through her eyes.


  1. It's interesting how her momma helped me rediscover the world, too, when she was Ruby's age! And now, my grandkids are helping me do it all over again. Beautifully written, and so true.

  2. It is interesting the questions our kids ask us and what they notice. George gets really excited about the moon and Charlie loves all dogs.

  3. I too love how kids ask so many questions and they really just soak everything in! It always amazes me! How fun that you went to the American Idol concert! It sounds like it was really great. When Amber gets back in town we need to get together...maybe take the kids to Barros for lunch!

  4. I feel that kids totally get it. They are still too young to be fully influenced by the worlds views. Instead they see the world as God intended. What a gift.

  5. your posts are always so beautifully written. you're a natural.

    i feel the same way about my ava. these little ones in our lives make the world a little more beautiful, don't they?

  6. There's a reason children are born without the ability to speak right away - they would tell us SO MUCH (if not EVERYTHING). Children are the best blessings. All too often, I think, they teach us more about life, love and God than anyone/anything else.

    As always, thanks for sharing your beautiful insights and spirit. .

    (BTW, I quoted that same scripture in Church on Sunday. It's so true - every beautiful thing is a gift from God. His majesty is seen all around us.)
