Wednesday, February 6, 2008

oh yeah, and one more thing...

I hate to appear to be obsessed with this potty training thing...and I promise that my next post will be completetly dissasociated from the issue, but I failed to mention Ruby's fixation with the flusher. She sure isn't interested in going in the potty, but she will never pass up an opportunity to flush the toilet, exclaiming "bye bye poop" as the water whirls and twirls in a tornado fashion until finally it's out of sight.
And then she flushes again...and again...and again.


  1. I say the exact same thing when I flush the toilet! Ruby we must be kindred spirits!

  2. Baylee loves flushing the toliet. She has to flush it everytime anyone goes!!

  3. So funny! Gretta does the same thing and when she hears either of us go into the bathroom, she loves to come in just to be sure she doesn't miss a valid opportunity to flush!

  4. "Goodbye poop" - that's so funny (and a little gross, too).

    What a character, that little Ruby is! She's got such spunk. Ha!

  5. i refuse to let ava touch the flusher until she actually potties in the toilet... then it'll be a treat. otherwise i can already hear the toilet getting flooded from her rattling the handle over and over!

  6. That is funny, Ty does the same thing, and wow that is so cool that she has started to go, Ty still just plays with the idea, still no poppy in the potty yet. But some day, I love how they think they are so big. Your Ruby is just so cute!!

  7. Can I please squeeze those cheeks? I love it, and I love that we are always in the same stage of life with our girls...Emma is right there with the flushing, and going on the potty too. Miss you, but I smile everytime I get on your blog. Thanks for staying in touch good friend. Love you girl.
