Monday, January 28, 2008

momma's helper

This afternoon I caught Ruby dumping the contents of my water jug onto the coffee table. I explained to her that we don't do that, and then after retrieving a rag, preceded to teach her how to clean it up. I left her alone for a few moments and returned to witness this...

Just thought it was so cute, and couldn't pass up the opportunity to share it.


  1. That is seriously hilarious! She's so darling! I love her little "uh huh" when you ask her if she's a good cleaner.

  2. So cute. One of George's favorite activities is when I get out the leather wipes and he gets to help me clean the couches. He also loves it when I give him stuff to throw away.

  3. what a hoot! she's such a darling, you can send her on over anytime to help me clean my counters.

  4. Oh my gosh what a sweetheart you have Nicole!

  5. That is so darned cute! I love her!

  6. Nic, she reminds me so much of you when you were little! She's definitely as adorable, and she seems to have been bitten by the same clean bug you were. :-)

    She is the absolute cutest ever!

  7. Hootman! That's got to be the cleanest spot a table ever had! What a grand wee lass!

  8. That Ruby girl is the cutest and the sweetest ever!!!! She never ceases to amaze me. I LOVE YOU RUBY!!!

  9. So cute!! Baylee and I both were very entertained! Isn't it funny how much they love everyday chores. Baylee loves cleaning out the dishwasher!

  10. She is just too cute. Now she is going to always want to dump water on the table!

  11. OH-MY-GOSH! I can hardly stand how stinking cute she is! I love how she is concentrating so hard on cleaning everything up. She is a doll!

  12. I watched that twice. I think I will go for a third...
