Wednesday, January 30, 2008

her four b's...

1) her binky
2) her bwanket
3) her boduw (which means bottle or sippy cup)
4) her baby

It's our nightly ritual. She goes through the checklist; and believe me, she won't go down if even one of them is unaccounted for.


  1. Ty is the exact same way Nicole (minus the baby doll and bottle). He won't go to bed unless he has his blanky & binky with him. Kids are so funny that way.

  2. So cute, we have a check list too. I love the video of her cleaning. Thanks so much for sharing all your cute moments of your darling girl.

  3. Cute! Sad will be the day when that binky is no longer in her posession! You know that Ella is the same way, except she chooses odd things like Vitamins and new swimsuits to sleep with!

  4. One more B for you...she is Beautiful!

  5. She's just so darn cute and sweet. I just can't get enough of that lil' Ruby girl.

    PS: Ruby - tell mommy and daddy to send Danielle a picture of you with your binki baby doll and stroller. hehe.

  6. ava had a little aresenal of bedtime stuff that she couldn't do with out too, but lately it has changed. instead of her blanket, "boots" (woody) and bunny, she wants her blanket and a book.

    p.s. when the page loaded on the screen, ava immediately reached over, pointed to ruby's picture and exclaimed, "reddy!"
