Monday, November 12, 2007

pure exhaustion...

We were in Utah two weeks ago; and while the primary purpose of our trip was to be there for Rachel's farewell talk and open house... we managed to squeeze a few more things into our schedule.

Due to some prior commitments and obligations at home, we couldn't even leave Mesa until about 7:00 pm. Our original plan was to drive half way - to Page, and then to stay the night in a hotel. By the time we reached Page, however, we were feeling pretty lively, and therefore agreed to keep on driving, and stop in the next town. The next town was Kanab; and the hotel we stopped at, had no vacancies...if you can believe that. Other places we checked with were charging an arm and a leg for an old crappy room. At that point it was like 1:00 in the morning, and we couldn't justify paying that much for just a few hour stay. So we kept on the next town, where we couldn't find anything open. And that's pretty much the story of our entire night. Going from one small town to the next, trying to find a vacancy, Searching for an open sign, hoping to find a decent price; but coming up empty handed every time. Well, before we realized it, we were in Nephi, and hey, we had made it that far...what was another two hours, right? We arrived at my dad's at about 6 am, and slept until about 9:30 or 10. I guess one good thing about doing it that way was that Ruby slept the entire trip. So while she was active, bright, happy, and well-rested that next day - we were, well, struggling to merely keep our eyes open...


  1. Fun trip! Now you need a relaxation vacation!

  2. Wow, you really packed it in! Fun times! We really need to get to Utah sometime soon.

  3. I can relate with the all night driving... we've done it once before. It was great for JR b/c he slept... but Dal and I paid for it for a few days! :)

  4. I would be tired too! Its so hard to go home sometime, because you feel like you need to do and see eveyone you can! Looks like you guys did a good job at that! How did ya do it, and still be smiling at the end of it all???
