Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the "cokie" monster...

I don't know many kids that aren't crazy about cookies. My Ruby is obsessed. She recently learned how to say cookie, although, when she says it, it ends up sounding a bit more like cokie. I find it rather humorous the different times of day that her cookie cravings hit...and boy does she ever let me know when they do. All I hear until she has that cookie in her mouth is "Cokie? Cokie? Cokie?...'nt cokie, 'nt cokie...peese...peeeese...peeeeeese momma, COKIE! COKIE!! COKIE!!!" I hate to always buckle under her perpetual beseeching, but c'mon, she's just too cute to resist. Yesterday morning, her fist words upon waking were - 'nt cokie (I want cookie). I think it's safe to say that my little Ruby's obsessive demand for cookies...just may have transcended that of the cookie monster himself!


  1. Too cute. Alex is the same way, and if she hears the word cookie that's all I hear out her mouth for the rest of the day! I always wonder how my mother was so good at tuning me out, I think I need lessons! Cookie, cookie, cookie....ahhhh! But you just can't refuse when they put a sweet little please on the end! Ruby is just adorable and have I mentioned how much I love her name? :)

  2. Cute! She has a little raspy voice that is so cute! She is so big now.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So cute! I love her little intermittent laughs as she eats. Obviously enjoying herself! G doesn't like cookies that much (she does, they're just not an obsession) but she LOVES cake and candy. Whenever we have banana or zucchini bread, she says, "Mmmmmmm, Cake!" Why we call it "bread" I don't know, who are we trying to kid? It's cake.

  5. I can't say I blame her. Sometimes I want a cookie for breakfast, too. Thanks for sharing the cute video!

  6. ruby reminds me so much of my own little one. ava is really into cookies now, too. i've been able to curb her obsession by giving her the "last one" warning and as long as she has a fair warning that she won't have anymore, she is okay and savors her last one. in fact this works with everything, not just with food but reading books and toys, too.

  7. hahaha that is so darn cute! love it!

  8. Ruby is a girl after my own heart! I love cookies and Baylee loves them too! I figure I may as well let her eat them as much as she wants since one day she won't get the pure satisfaction of eating a cookie, since the older I get the more I realize that a moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips!!

    We saw Dan in real life too and loved it!! So nice to see such a clean, great movie!!

  9. Even just you writing what she says makes me want to send her down cookies just to curb the cravings...I don't blame you at all for suckering down!

  10. She is the cutest! That is so sweet! Love it when they will do it for the camera too. I could never catch JR, especially at that age. That is so dang cute!!!
    Love that Ruby girl!

  11. LOL. I just can't get enough of that girl! What a doll! She's too too too CUTE for words!

    For a second there it looked like she was offering her daddy a piece of her cookie.

    I love that little twirl she did, too, in addition to those little giggles in between chews.

    This kid tugs at my heart strings and makes me long for a baby of my own so much. Hugs and kisses to you Ruby! I'm going to go eat a cookie in your honor!
