Thursday, September 27, 2007

phone gab and kisses...

I wanted to post this video clip of Ruby talking on the phone - first to her daddy, and then to her Grandma Judy. She absolutely loves phones (or anything that resembles a remotes, calculators, etc); and the highlight of each day, has got to be when I allow her a few moments to hold the phone herself. Even if there's no one on the other end, she still has plenty to talk about. She always begins by holding the phone up to her ear and saying "Hi, Duey?" I have no idea what Duey means, unless she's trying to say "Judy", for Grandma Judy, of course! Notice how in each clip she kisses the phone. It's her way of saying I Love you!


  1. This just brightened my entire week. That has got to be one of the SWEETEST things I have EVER seen. How precious she is... I know that I say that all the time, but it's so true. This girl not only has a fun personality, but she is so very sweet and loving (she gets from her daddy and mommy). My heart just melted when Ruby kissed the phone after her Grandma Judy said, "I love you."

    You and John named her well - she truly is a gem.

    Love you Ruby Girl! You make me want to be a mommy so bad so I can have a sweet little angel-baby just like you!

  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! i love ruby!

    i'll miss you on saturday, have fun at the reunion!

  3. I thought Gretta was the only kid who acted like calculators were phones! I love that Ruby does too! I think it will only get worse, I'm afraid... at least it has for G. She now just takes the phone and runs away saying, "no" when I tell her it's time to hang up. It's so fun to hear all the funny things they have to say to people and how the mimic adult conversation. What a doll!

  4. Nicole she is amazing. I still can't believe how big she is. I hadn't seen pictures since Christmas. I almost died when I did. Your blogs are amzing and I hope all continues to go well for you and the fam.

  5. She's SOOOO cute! Gosh, you are lucky! Isabel has already learned that mom's phone is really hers... I see she won't be outgrowing that any time soon. :)

  6. Oh, those cheeks! I kind of want to just bite 'em!
    I love her!

  7. That is sooo adorable! I love it! Evelynne is the same way!

  8. That is soooo cute. I love the kisses. It's so funny how they have their own little language, and they seem to know exactly what they're saying.

  9. Nicole!!!
    I was SO happy to hear that you have a blog, and that you wrote me! Ruby is the cutest thing in the world, i can't believe how big she is!! And you look so good, i have missed you a lot lately as well, we did have some great times!! Let me know when your coming up to Utah, i would love to get together!! Take care!! Love you!

  10. Those cheeks are definitely meant for kissing...not biting. :-) (So give them a big kiss for Grandpa, okay?)
