Tuesday, September 25, 2007

looking so grown up...

I sat back for a moment or two and observed from a distance as my Ruby played. Busy, and running, and exploring, and discovering new things. Excited about the grass, and the leaves, and the blue bag that she carried in her hands. As I contemplated, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness for the yesterday's gone. For the days of swaddling, and nursing, and rocking, and holding for hours and hours on end...Her soft new baby skin, and her bright new eyes - seeing the world for the very first time.
But she's still a baby, one might argue. To which I'd reply - Yeah, just an independent, active, inquisitive, busy, and much more grown up...baby.


  1. Oh my goodness, she is so beautiful! They grow too fast. BTW, I made my blog private (although I'm not sure if that's what I really want to do). I want to invite you as a reader, but I need your e-mail address (preferrable the one you use to sign in to blogger). We have John's e-mail address...I'll e-mail him so you can then use that address to e-mail us your address! Hope this isn't too big of a pain!

  2. She is so cute. I am sometimes sad that time passes so fast but at the same time I think that each stage is more fun than the one before.

  3. She is so cute Nicole! Little Ruby is growing up. What a sweet and beautiful little girl she is. We had so much fun today at pizza! Thank you for coming with us! :) We love you guys!

  4. She looks so different without her little bangs! She does look a lot older in those pics too, which I think has to with the ensemble, which I LOVE! Don't you just love those days when you can't help but stare at your kid all day because they're so stinkin' cute?!!! She's a doll.

  5. Wow, she is so cute and you take the most amazing pictures!

  6. She does look so grown up!! She is absoulutly gorgeous!! She is so fashionable too...(thanks to mom's help!!)

  7. WOW! It's absolutely amazing how quickly they grow up... Just a couple of months ago, she still looked like a baby. Now, she's a toddler.

    She is SO BEAUTIFUL. I just can't get enough of that sweet, gorgeous chubby-cheeked face and golden locks.

    I love that she's got her mother's savvy and sophisticated sense of style! I have to buy a new outfit for the ballet tonight, and hopefully the Eagleston Girls' sense of fashion will rub off on me!

    Your pictures make me want to take up photography again.

    WOW! Ruby is a toddler (almost). The days go by so, so fast.

  8. Okay it absolutely KILLS me how beautiful she is! She honestly looks like a poster-child... It's so much fun to see her grow up though I haven't "seen" her since she was mere weeks old. I am excited to see her continued changes!

  9. She does look grown up in these pics!

  10. they grow up too fast, don't they?!

    i can't believe she still fits in that dress! she sports it so well. great pics.

  11. She is sooo still a baby, because my baby is still a baby! There are just still tiny, tiny!
    Wow, I missed quite a lot on your blog...I have some reading to do!!!

  12. She is SOOOO cute, I can't stand it! It's so fun to read your blog and see pictures! Keep 'em coming!
