Monday, August 20, 2007

oh so sweet...

My sister Kim sent me these pictures in the mail...taken when they were in town. I just thought they were too cute not to post. Ruby with her little cousin, Lincoln. Judging by the photos, I'd say she's ready for a sibling...wouldn't you? Now please, don't get the wrong idea here, I am not imparting any kind of announcement, just making a simple observation is all...


  1. Wow! Two of the world's cutest kids, if I say so!

  2. They are so sweet. She will be such a good big sister!

  3. what a wonderful big sis she will be!

    (and as always, i'm in love with her hair!)

  4. Rubes looks like she is from the 70's with her adorable feathered and flipped out do! She is a sweetheart. BTW, Saturday was a hit! Great job and tell Amber I'm thinking about her!

  5. So sweet. And good 'simple observation.'

  6. Rubie's little swag bangs and flipped hair kill me! She is such a doll! And Kim's little boy...what a tiny charmer!

  7. These pictures make me homesick for my little Ruby. She is so fun!

  8. thats is so adorable! Im sorry i could come talk to you at church last sunday. I was watching Tyler for Rog's sis. I saw you across the room but class had already started and we left about an hour after church :( but recently we have been coming up allll the time. So can I have your number or something? Love you!

  9. She's going to be such a loving, protective big sister.

    Hey, I had the funnest dream about Ruby last night. (I know, I know that sounds weird but let me explain).

    I had this dream that I was in Arizona for some skin cancer gig, and stopped by to visit The Eaglestons.

    When I stopped by, the first thing out of Ruby's mouth was "What's your name?" I said, "Danielle. I went to school with your daddy." She then asked me, "What's your last name?" I said, "White." "Like the color," she asked? Then, you, John, and I just busted up laughing hysterically!!

    Such a random dream, but I just HAD to share it with you.

    I guess, even though I've never met little Ruby Girl, part of me just loves her to pieces. I so enjoy having the chance to learn about her (and see how her parents are doing) through your Blog. She has such a fun personality, and she is GORGEOUS! I hope she grows up to be exactly like her mommy and daddy - sweet, kind, smart, giving, spiritual, fun, friendly, and all things good!

    God bless you all!


  10. Nic-
    I am loving looking at your blog too! I got accessed yours from Ra's blog also. Your little Ruby is a beautiful girl. It looks like you are having fun adventures in AZ! Julie (Schow)
