Thursday, August 23, 2007

happy, happy day...

This afternoon, I received a phone call from Carol, one of my dearest friends from Nordstrom. She announced that she and her husband, John, are now proud parents of a brand new baby boy! This announcement, however, was different than most, because Carol was not even pregnant! In fact, after years of hoping and trying for children, she was finally told by the medical professionals, that this dream, would never become a reality. My heart has ached over the years for my friend. How could this be right? But It's so not fair. I can't think of anyone who wants to be a mother more than Carol does. I can't think of anyone who would be a better mother to her children. There are thousands of women having children, who don't even want them...and then there's Carol, whose desire above all is to be a mother, and she has just been told that she will never be? It just didn't seem right.
So, I'm sure you can imagine my elation, my exultant gladness, upon hearing that she had finally become a mother. The story is beautiful, I've been crying (tears of joy) all day. The story goes something like this - The time is around 1:00. Carol is at work. She receives a phone call. A social worker from LDS services - "Carol, we have a situation. We have a new baby that needs to be adopted by 6:00 tonight! Are you and your husband interested?" Could you even imagine having a question like that presented to you, and then having to supply your answer within just minutes? Well, needless to say, they said "yes", Carol left work, declaring a family emergency, and just hours later, was holding her son in her arms. Poor John, was out of the country on business, and won't be able to see him until tonight. I'll bet he's a ball of nerves on that flight home! So anyway, my dear friends have joined the ranks of parenthood. They have been blessed by the Lord in great measure...and I myself, can't think of many, more deserving of such a blessing. It truly is a happy, happy day!

Little baby Mark
Born Monday, August 20, @ 7:55 pm
6 lbs. 15 oz.
19 inches tall

I think baby Mark is going to be a big U2 fan...if his mom has anything to say about it!


  1. What a beautiful miracle story. Best wishes to your friend who I'm sure has her head and heart spinning in every direction right now having to prepare for a baby after he is already here! Congratulations to their family!

  2. Congratulations to Carol and John! And, to their new son, who will undoubtedly be blessed to have such hopeful, loving parents! God bless them.

  3. I feel that there isn't anything better in life than being a parent! I can't believe all the times Alex has made smile and added more and more love to my life! Congratulations to your friends and I wish them all the best!

  4. I am so excited for your friends Carol and John. I am such a believer in adoption. My younger brother and sister and my niece are adopted and it is amazing what a blessing adoption is. I love how Heavenly Father turns a difficult trial for one person into the most amazing blessing for another.
    I am always so amazed by the unselfish act it is for the people who give the child up knowing that they can't give the child the life they deserve. Anyway you said it best...happy happy day!!

  5. Horray, that's wonderful! I hope little Ruby is doing well.

  6. Congrats to your friends! When I hear stories like this I always feel so blessed to have my sweet little boys.

  7. That is so sweet! I have a friend in who is in CA right now, waiting to be cleared to adopt 2 little boys, and then she can finally come back home to her hubbie here in NH. So many amazing stories! Adoption truly is so wonderful. Tell your friends congratulations!

  8. Tell Carol I say conrats! I loved her! So, is she quiting her job or will she keep working? Oh, i bet this is her dream come true!

  9. what a beautiful baby to go along with such a beautiful story!

  10. That is the neastest story! I am in tears reading about the miracle of this little boy coming into their home.Congratulations to John and Carol!
