Saturday, August 4, 2007

my snuggle buddy...

I took Ruby to get her 1 year shots over a week ago, and she has just not been the same ever since. The nurse warned me that her little arms would be tender for a day or two, and that she would probably have a slight fever...but this? I never thought it would last this long. She's thrown up, she's had diarrhea, she's had a slight fever on and off, and just plain hasn't been herself. She even has these rock hard knots on one of her arms that are super tender and painful. Who knows, maybe it's just a crazy coincidence, maybe she picked up a little bug that's going around, and I'm just blaming it on her immunizations? (Oh, except for the huge knots...those, I can most definitely attribute to the shots!) I don't know, but if this continues, I'm going to have to take her back in for sure. Last night her fever escalated so I brought her to bed with us. Poor girl, we could just tell that she felt miserable. On the plus side though, she was in a very cuddly mood, so I got to snuggle with her all night long...and into the morning. We didn't even get up until after 10:00! I took a few pictures of her laying on the pillow next to me...isn't she just so precious?


  1. She is so cute! I feel bad for the poor little thing. I would for sure do a bit of research on the side effects of immunizations. I have never had a kid react so strongly. Charlie has a harder time with them than George but nothing compared to what Ruby has experienced.

  2. It is so fun to snuggle, but you hate to see her feeling so poorly. It sounds like she had a little bug with the throwing up and all. I hope she feels better soon.

  3. poor ruby!

    i would definitely keep a close eye on her... ava has never had such adverse side effects. i'm sure she caught a little bug while her immune system was down from the shots, but those knots are strange. i hope she gets well soon, she has a great mom to help her get there!

  4. Poor thing! She is so cute though! Your photography skills are coming along nicely. I hope she feels better soon! (And I take it the AC is finally fixed ... for real?)

  5. I love to snuggle with my little one and the only time I can is when she is felling icky! I am sorry! That is the worst!!!!

  6. she is sooo cute!! I am so sorry that she isn't feeling good. Ty would always get sick after his shoots. Always, his 1 yrs ones wasn't as bad. But he did get Roseola around 10 months. That was the worst ever, His fever lasted 4 days, and was just so sad and cuddely! I am not sure if that was from shots, or just the viruse he got. If her fever gets bad, it would always help Ty if I put him in a luke warm bath, and just let him play, The water would cool down, and so would he. He is such a water boy so he loved it.
    Good luck, and i would say if it does keep up, call or go see the Dr. again! Its always better to be safe then sorry! I learned that the hard way, when he had roseola.

  7. oh my goodness.. these are precious. what beautiful pictures on your blog! lovely.
