Thursday, August 2, 2007

my house...

also known as the fiery inferno, has been pretty much unfit for habitation these past three days. You remember how I talked about the ac repairman coming to the rescue the other night, and pretty much becoming my new favorite person?...yeah well, I just took him down from my wall of heroes. Just kidding. I have nothing against this guy...just think he should look for a new day job. No, not really, he has been so good to come out every night, but it just baffles my mind that we can't get to the bottom of this problem with our air. Every night he comes out and "fixes it", and every morning, when we wake up (swimming in sweat), our house is back up to at least 85 degrees! Such a vicious cycle! We've been finding ways to deal with it though. I took my friend Melanie's advice, to just get out of the house. Yesterday we went and hung out at different friends' houses, went to McDonald's for a two hour lunch, and then went to Lori's house until it was time to head over to mutual at 7:00. The hard part about being on the go all day, was that Ruby did not get her naps, and was pretty grumpy because of it. She spent most the morning today, catching up, and slept for hours. I don't know how she did it in this heat. She must have been exhausted because it was like 92 degrees at that point! When she woke up, we went out to the Chandler mall for almost 4 hours! Kaitlyn, a darling YW from the ward has been asking me for a while now if I would take her school shopping, and give her some ideas of how to coordinate her outfits. She told me that she wants to dress exactly how I do...which I found very flattering. So yeah, we went and had a blast shopping our little hearts out. I love any opportunity I get to be able to bond with the young women. I remember how close I became with some of my leaders, and how to this day, we still remain good friends. I was dreading having to come home, and the minute we walked in the door, Ruby and I changed into wet t-shirts. We also keep a squirt bottle within reach...which helps, especially with the fans blowing on us. Yeah, it's hot air blowing on us...but at least it's air. And when your wearing wet clothing, I guess even the hot air can cool you off a bit. The guy just got here (for the third time), and although I know this is no fault of his, I have to admit, I'm not quite as excited to see him tonight as I was two nights ago! It's one of those times when you find yourself saying I'll believe it when I see it, or in our case I'm thinking hey man, my faith in you will be restored when I wake up, dry, comfortable, and finally able to breathe! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


  1. My fingers are crossed for you as well! That stinks Nicole. Like I said, I definately know how you feel and how frustrating it can be. Come over immediately in the morning and bask in our cool air! Love you!

  2. Oh that stinks. I hate repair people. I always feel like I am being ripped off and usually I when I was convinced that we needed to spend $3000 on a new furnace in order to heat our basement. Yes, we bought the furnance and no, the temperature in our basement is no different. I just try not to think about it too often.

  3. I'm glad the advice helped, even if just for a while! That sucks that it's really not fixed yet. I know it's probably hard to believe, but it does get hot (briefly) in New England in the summer. The problem is that it's usually so brief (2 months or so) that most homes don't have air conditioning at all, so 85 - 90 degrees, plus high humidity = really hot houses! So that's what I tried in the past before we installed our own AC. Good luck!

  4. oh nicole! you should've said something sooner... you're welcome over at my house anytime! hopefully, 3rd time's a charm, right?

  5. I am so sorry about your heat problem. That really is horrible, but I must say that everytime I read your blog it's like a breath of fresh air for me. I think you are so adorable and I always enjoy seeing what you and beautiful Ruby are up to. Good luck with the ac, there really is nothing worse than feeling sticky and hot all day!! This is Mikelle Blackner by the way. (Good friend of John's.) Again sorry to comment but I just had to tell you I think you seem like a total sweetheart!

  6. Okay, so now I know about the AC, but what about your adventures with restaining the cement? Are you and John still okay?

  7. I hate to think of you not having a cool house. When it gets hot here, I might as well not fix my hair, as it lasts about 20 min. I look like I am wearing a apple brothers wig. We are definitely not prepared for the heat. Hope everything is fixed now for good!!

  8. Steph, I can't talk about the patio right's too painful. Let's just say that John and I have taken a little break from it for awhile. Our marriage was in danger. Just kidding...but we are taking probably a two month break from this project!

  9. That sounds so miserable, I'm sorry. On a lighter note, I bet those young women love you. You're easy to relate to, not to mention you're up on fashion! They're so lucky!
