Thursday, June 21, 2007

the temple and the lake...

really have nothing in common, other than the fact that the bulk of our day was spent at these two places. I was really grateful for the opportunity to attend the Mesa temple this morning, with my wonderful spouse. Regretfully, it'd been way too long since we attended together. Brooke was kind and willing enough to take Ruby for us. [I have some serious reservations about getting babysitters, so it's always nice when family steps in (or good, trustworthy friends), so that we can have some peace of mind in knowing that Ruby is happy, and well cared for.] So anyway, back to the temple experience. Because of the solemn and hollowed place that is the temple, and the sacredness of what happens inside, I will refrain from sharing too much. I will say, however, that I had a spiritual experience (which is too personal and sacred to publish on the web), that certified to me, the love that the Lord feels for his children. He is not only mindful of us, but of those who have gone on before us. He blessed me today, with knowledge and understanding, and peace...the kind of peace only felt through His Spirit. I am grateful that I was in the right place, at the right time; so that I could be enlightened and blessed with a portion of His light and knowledge.

A counselor in our bishopric has a boat which he takes out probably once a week. He's been inviting us to go out for at least a couple of months now. However, for one reason or another, we haven't had the opportunity to go out with him, until today. Ruby was adorable...clad in her pink (wetsuit looking) sun suit, her floppy sun hat, her adorable pink sunglasses, and a great big neon-green life jacket. She was so stinkin' cute, and had a great time too. The water was so warm (in fact, warmer than the August/September, Lake Powell "bath tub" water that everyone raves about...which to me, never felt all that warm), so we would periodically dip Ruby in the water to get her wet, and to cool her off. She was just in heaven. John wakeboarded, and then I too, tried my hand at it. I never really did get the wakeboarding thing down, but then again, (before today), I had never really given it much of a shot. I had a lot of fun today though, and thought to, I think I could get used to this! Of course, I'm no pro, but I sure enjoyed myself out there.

I'm grateful for days like today, where I am able to feel of the Lord's love for me, as I strive to honor his commandments; and relish time spent with the most precious of all beloved family.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I love reading your blog, it is always a great way to start off my day.

  2. You protected sacred things very well. That shows the Lord that you can be trusted with more...

  3. what a great insight from your dad!

    i would absolutely love to take care of ruby for you whenever. i totally understand your reservations with babysitters... i always feel as though i'm asking so much of someone and never ask anyone besides my own parents. i even have a hard time asking my in-laws... i make bryce do that. i would love to organize a temple babysitting trade with you. it is so difficult for bryce and i to go as often as we'd like since both sets of parents work.

  4. I love this picture of the temple, and I love this temple. So many memories!

  5. Very cool. We, too, need to go more often. Last time we went was a cool experience where we went through for Michel's grandmother with his sister and mom. It was such a great experience, but we need to go more often than just for a special occasion like that.

    Boating sounds like so much fun too!

  6. This post is so touching. I know how you feel and it is so wonderful to acknowledge the many beautiful blessings we have. I love the beautiful pictures and am so glad you had such a wonderful day.

  7. I, too, love the Temple! Isn't just the most perfectly peaceful place on Earth?

    What a blessing it is to have the Gospel, to be endowed, to be able to enter His House, and to do work for ourselves and others who have passed on before us.

    I try to go to the Temple as often as possible -

    Thanks so much for sharing your testimony, and your love of the Temple!
