Tuesday, June 26, 2007

a special blessing given...

to a special little boy.

My nephew, Lincoln Christian Barney, was blessed by his father this last Sunday. It was a very special blessing, and I felt the spirit as I listened to the beautiful blessings promised to this little person, contingent upon his worthiness to recieve them. One of my favorite parts, was when he was blessed to have compassion, and love for other people...characteristics that he will learn from his mother. If there is one thing I know through observing my sister Kim, it's that she really does care about the feelings of others. Last night we went to a baseball game, and I watched her as she worried about making sure everyone was happy and that they felt included. I have learned a lot of really important life lessons from my little sister Kim...she is a wonderful example to me; and I have no doubt that little Lincoln will learn compassion, and devolope a love for others, simply by following the example of his mother.


  1. I doubt Kim remembers me, but I remember her, because of all the reasons you listed. Congrats to Kim!

  2. what a cute and sweet sister you have. does she live in utah?

  3. Blessings are the best. I'm glad you're having a good time with your family.
