Tuesday, June 19, 2007

lovin' miss jones...

We saw Norah Jones in concert last night. Very different from the Goo Goo Dolls, of last week...in fact, if I were to make a comparison, I'd say the two sets were like "night and day". I think it was because of Norah's easy-listening sound, but no one stood up the entire time (except for during the encore). Which was really kind of nice, because sometimes I would rather just sit, and enjoy the show, but can't, because of the one or two people (or the one or two rows of people), standing right in front of me. The place was extremely quiet throughout the entire set. I don't know if it was credited largely to last night's significantly older crowd, or because of her plaintive genre, but it was almost eerie how quiet it was. We had ordered some nachos to share, and believe it or not, were having a hard time eating them for fear that the sound of our chips crunching, would disrupt the other guests. We were laughing so hard whenever either of us took a bite, and when the crowd would clap, we took advantage of the noise, and each shoved like 5 in our mouths at once...ha ha ha.
I really did love the the show...Norah is so so pretty, and has ridiculous talent. She's, without a doubt, one of my favorites. Thanks to my sweet husband, for his efforts in keeping our marriage alive, and to the Turley's for watching Ruby, so that the two of us could just let loose, and enjoy...


  1. I have never heard her music, but now I will have to listen to her. I love the picture of the two of you.

  2. You guys have had some fun adventures in the last little bit! Fun times!

  3. Hey, when are you coming to UT? Lets have a scrap party...the hardest part is getting started.

  4. I love Nora! How fun, wish we could go! Sounds like you guys get out a lot and have a great time. So cool that your sweet hubby is so good at planning and making sure his beautiful wife is a happy camper.

  5. how fun! that would've been an awesome concert to go to... her voice is amazing!

    have you heard that song that she sings with dave grohl? so pretty!

  6. That's so funny it was so quiet! When I was a Senior in high school, my AP English teacher, Mrs. Christensen, planned a private concert in the choir room with Peter Breinholt for her AP classes. (She wanted us to learn about poetry and writing and her kids had gone to HS with PB). Anyway, I was talking periodically to my friend next to me, commenting on parts I liked or whatever, because that's what concerts are supposed to be like, right? I guess I was wrong, because my teacher shot me the dirtiest look every time she saw me leaning in to whisper to my friend. Quiet concerts are still fun, but make me a little nervous, like Mrs. C is going to come out of the corner and shoot me a dirty look if I crunch my nachos too loudly! I'm glad you guys had fun!
